New comer

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Grey pov

Once in my new camp, the camp counselors told us to drop our items and 'get to know each other', as they said. With no technology I decided it would be a good idea to socialize. Once I dropped off my items, I noticed everyone was already in groups talking, and were wearing colorful outfits with happy smiles.

Except one girl, with short black hair and green eyes, she was wearing a batman shirt with dark blue shorts and black, knee high sandals that complimented her tan complexion and short stature. She looked rather timid and I assumed this was her first time here too. I swiftly walked over to her, when getting there to see her slightly in a daze with her mouth hanging a bit open. I chuckled and said, "Hello, my name is, Grey." then putting out my hand for her to shake it. She stood there still in awe and then hollered, "Sorry! I just thought no one would talk to me, and I'd be a loner- or weirdo- because I usually don't make many friends! I mean I'm not quiet, it's just hard to make friends who will sit through my constant mumbling!" The hollering did die down, but the girl didn't stop talking, and I was fine with that.

Somewhere in her jumble of words, she mentioned her name was, Beatrice. It was French as she stated, proud of her heritage. As we talked- or as she talked nervously- I noticed a group of boys start, one by one circling, Beatrice and I. She obviously hadn't noticed and the boys hadn't thought I'd seen them slowly form a large circle around us. There were only 10 boys, so there were large gaps in between their circle, and I didn't have a feeling this whole human circle stunt wasn't supposed to be a light hearted joke.

The kids who were in other groups also noticed the 'human circle', and just watched and whispered. Beatrice, finally noticing the whispers, the human circle, and my gaze on the whispering crowd and the circle, started getting visibly worried. That weary look on her face made me heartbroken, but the boys in the circle snickered as they slowly started to close in the circle, getting closer. I put my arm around Beatrice to comfort her, but she was trembling. She did talk about how she had gotten bullied at her old school so bad, she had to leave , I felt sorry for her. Normally, I'd use my powers but I cant use them in front of people, or on people.  

Just as the boys were so close to, who knows what a boy, my age, with dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes swooped in. He darted past some of the boys in the circle to Beatrice and I. He held out both arms and yelled, "Leave them alone!" The boys looked around, seeing the camp counselors get ahold of all the commotion. Then with a blink of an eye, they were gone, like that.

Beatrice had started to stop trembling, but was still shaken up. (Totally a pun) The boy had sense put his arms down and sighed walking over to us. Like I mentioned before the boy had dirty blonde hair, cut normally so, that gleamed when he walked, dark brown eyes that looked so familiar and welcoming. His smile was white and charming and sent shivers down my spine, he was a tad shorter than me, wearing a striped white and blue tank top with black jeans and white vans.(Dam Daniel, anyone?) 

Once done walking over to me he let out a sigh with that breathtaking smile and said, "Sorry, it's a 'tradition' to surround new comers and throw them in Lake Gamian." He put up air quotes while saying tradition, "No, I'm quite fine, but she's still a tad shaken up by the event." I said gesturing toward Beatrice. "Sorry, to hear that. I'm, Ethan.",Ethan said with a happy infectious smile. I smiled back as his smile sent another chill down my spine. If Beatrice and Ethan were hear, perhaps summer camp experience, wouldn't be so bad. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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