Leo's Jam

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Settling in with the Davenports was something odd, something I couldn't very well explain. Unpacking whatever belongings I had gave me a sense of relief, the one thing I hadn't had in months. Tasha and Mr. Davenport had immediately began the adoption process after our discussion in my hospital room, and after a few weeks, I was officially a Davenport. Though I didn't take the name. Martin was my mother's maiden name, and as long as I kept her name, she would always be a part of me.

My father was currently in jail awaiting trial. I couldn't stop the tears from falling when I heard the news. After so many months of being hit and beaten, I was finally safe. He could no longer hurt me, and that alone was the greatest feeling in the world. I denied the chance to be a witness, afraid that if I faced him, I would break down and have a panic attack. Luckily, there was enough evidence to put him away without needing a statement.

Once I recovered from my latest injuries, I returned to school, alongside Adam, Bree, and Chase, whom Davenport allowed to officially enroll. Leo couldn't be happier to have more friends at school, in hopes that maybe less people would bully him. And by people, I mean Trent.

The school's football star and douche bag.

And bastard.

Pretty much any name you could think of.

Trent had bullied Leo almost the second he began high school, always picking on him for being short, having no friends (I took offense to that), and being too skinny. But when Chase's commando app, some sort of flight or fight switch activated, he turned into Spike, a ruthless and vicious animal-like person. The one thing I noticed was his eyes, that went from a calming brown color, to almost black. It was almost like a demon possessed his body.

Despite my disliking towards Spike, I did enjoy the show he put on. For once, Trent looked like the fool. I kicked myself for not recording his humiliation.

Walking into school with Adam, Chase, and Leo by my side, I took notice of the posters hanging around. Dance posters, to be exact. Great. I hated school dances. The last school dance I went to was in the eighth grade, and it did not turn out well.

"Guys, with the dance coming up, I thought you could use a lesson on how to ask a lady out." Leo said, causing me to roll my eyes.

"And you're the teacher?" I joked, earning a glare from Leo. Adam and Chase chuckled.

He stopped glaring at me and started to stare at the blonde who was sitting on the bench a few feet away from us.

I immediately recognized the blonde. "You're planning on asking out Danielle?"

"Danielle? Isn't she the girl who uses you as a foot stool in math class?" Chase asked.

"Where else is she supposed to put her feet? On the floor?" Leo looked at Chase in disbelief. "Open your notebooks boys, 'cause class is in session."

"Well, this is a class I want to ditch. See ya." I patted his back before stalking off, heading towards my locker to grab my books. As I shut the metal door, I noticed Bree make her way towards her brothers. Realizing I still had a few minutes before the bell would ring, I made my way back over.

"Nobody's asked you, have they?" Chase was asking his sister.

Bree shook her head sadly. "No. I really want to go with that guy." She gestured to two guys talking by the wall of lockers, one of them sporting brown hair and the other black. "His name's Ethan. We sit next to each other in Chemistry. Coincidence? I think not." She let out a sigh. "I have no idea what to do."

"Just ask him out." I suggested, shrugging. "Can't hurt."

"Or I can do this." Chase murmured, pushing his hair behind his hair. "Bionic hearing." He told me at my look of confusion. I nodded, smiling slightly. "He's talking about a girl he thinks is cute." He announced after a few moments of silence. "Ew, he's talking about you!"

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