chapter five

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                "Okay we're almost there" Hannah said
As we continued to walk deeper into the woods. I had this strangest feeling that I was walking towards danger but also to who I am supposed to be. Just like dad always says " I am excatly where I am suppose to be".
                "Okay why is it this deep into the woods"Cordila asked
               "Cause the land underneath is the most powerful and magical, which helps with the protection spell over the school"Hannah said
           "A protection spell,  for what" Cordila asked courious
              "This world is not like the way it is shown in movies, TV, and books. This world is not just filled with unicorns and rainbows, not every guy is a prince and every girl a princess. Now don't get me wrong this is an amazing world, but it's no fairytale. Just as the world is amazing it is just as equally dangerous. And with the protection spell it keeps out any dark being"
          "You mean like that red eyed figure back , at my now old school" Cordila said
               "Yeah, and Lucas and I are going to figure out what that thing was and why it was after you. Anyway we're here" Hannah said
We walked upon this gigantic building that resembled a castle that was pulled out of a fairy tale. The gates of the school's entrance were almost as tall as the trees, they were sliver and shined almost as the sun.
I knew that once I take a step through those gates that I no longer be the person I was before. With a deep breath I stepped through the gate and the feeling that someone was watching Hannah and I quickly receded, making it clear that whatever was watching us was what  Hannah called  a "dark being"
Once inside the school everything seemed brighter, the grass looked greener, even the small ponds  we passed as we walked on to the campus were clearer.
         "This is your school" Cordila asked in amazment
             "You mean our school, yes it is"Hannah said
This place was amazing , I really wish I  could call dad and tell him about it. I also wish my Monica was with me. I am sure she would love this place.
             "It's amazing, truly"
I looked around at the other students n couldn't help wonder who was like me, who was also half human.
                   "So are there special class for beings like me"Cordila asked
Hannah stopped walking as her smile faded she began to twist her fingers.
                       "About that, there is no class" Hannah said as Cordila stood in front
                         "Okay a group or something" Cordila asked
                "There is something that I didn't tell you" Hannah said
I knew she wasn't telling me something,
                  " Okay, what it" Cordila said
I began to prepare myself for what she had to tell me.
              "There​ is no class nor group cause you are the only lendio here. Actually the first one in years" Hannah said
she said that the hope that I could fit in here with people like me faded. I hated the feeling that I was going to the lone wolf once again.
                "I am the only one. Well thanks for the heads up, Hannah. I knew this was a mistakes I should of just went back to dentention" Cordila said angry
I walked over to a shaded tree and slammed my bag down and sat against the  tree truck
          "Okay I can see that you are upset  and I should of told you, but Cordila you are very special" Hannah said walking over to her
               "Yeah right, these people are the special ones, they can do magic and fly. I probably wouldn't even be here if my , dad didn't come to my mom's coffee rescue that day" Cordila said
                "I doubt that, you were meant to be here, Cordila. If  your parents didn't meet that day, they would of met another way, fate has a way of doing that. And how would you know that you aren't special if you didn't at least give it a try. Show the people at your old school who called you freak or a loser wrong" Hannah said
Hannah was right I knew that if dad was here he would say the same thing.
   Without saying anything I stood up and grabbed my bag.
                         "Where to now?"Cordila asked
            "The headmistress' office, so you can officially enroll here" Hannah said
                   "Headmistress" Cordila said
After everything that I have seen, hearing and saying "headmistress" was so far the weirdest. As we made our way to the headmistress' office we passed by this statue of a family. I have never seen this before it somehow seems familiar. I stopped to take a closer look , it is like I have seen it in a dream, but can't remember.
             "You coming"Hannah asked walking back over to her
                        "Yeah, whose are these people" Cordila  asked
             "The royal family"Hannah said looking at the statue
         "You mean like kings, queens, princes , and princesses. I'll tell you all about it on the way to the headmistress" Hannah said
                       "Okay" Cordila said as they began to walk
                     "That statue was of the royal family the king , queen, and princess. There is a rumor going around that there is some long lost Prince somewhere"Hannah said
         "Wow, do they come here often, have you met them or seen them?"Cordila said excited
I tried to concile my excitement at the knowledge that there is a real royal family.
                    "No and no. Actually no one has seen the royal family in centeries. There are even some Beings who think that they don't exist and they were just invited just to keep order throughout the realms" Hannah said
              "Really, so I am guessing that you believe that they really are real" Cordila said
               "Because they are real" Hannah said with a smile
              "You really believe in them don't you" Cordila said
               "Yes I do, anyway we're here"Hannah said
We walked up to a closed wood door with a glass window with the words "Headmistress Moore" written in think black letters.
             "Okay, so what do I say, I mean until today I didn't know anything like this existed, I don't even  know what kind of being i am" Cordila said in a panic
  I suddenly felt nervous about meeting the headmistress not jus because this will be my first time ever meeting someone with her title but I didn't even know what to say .
               "Okay first calm down and you are a fairy"Hannah said
                       "How do you know" Cordila asked
                   "It's a gift I can always tell what someone is" Hannah said
                "If you can do that then how come you didn't do it back at the other school" Cordila asked
                "I did I just didn't know that you were the Being we were looking for, or if you even knew that you were magical"Hannah said
       "Well you guys were half right" Cordila said
Before Hannah could knock on the door , it opened an two women came out, one with warm red hair wearing a light and dark green medevil dress,  and the other with pitch black hair  wearing a red an black medevil dress.
                          "I am telling you that she is acting very unlike herself" the red headed woman said
By the way they continued their conversation , they didn't notice Hannah and I standing there .
                     "What do you want me to do, you and I both know that she doesn't listen to me. All I can say is , talk to her and see what's  is going on with her, and if nothing changes, it may be time for her to leave Mystic" the other lady said
                "Do you want to start a riot or something" the red haired woman said
                 "I know she's your friend , but you have to think about the students, if you say that she is acting strange how am I suppose to trust her with teaching the students"the other lady said
                   "Yes she is my friend, but right now I am not saying this as her friend but a as a teacher if you tell her to leave because of one off day that we are all allowed to have, you will start a riot and a rebellion with not just students but with other teachers included. You and I both know that she is the best teacher here" the red headed lady said
                 "Then talk to her, Nora. Or start preparing for the riots and pick a side"the other lady said
                "Believe me I already have" Nora said
We all stood there in silence not knowing what to say or what was going to be said. The tension between the two ladies was so thick you'll need an axe just to chop pieces of it.
               "Excuse me , Headmistress Moore"Hannah said
As soon as Hannah spoke they looked over at us , I guess wondering how long we had been standing there an show much we heard
             "Oh Hannah i didn't see you there" Headmistress Moore said
                 "It's okay, but this is Cordila Young and she's new"Hannah said
The moment Hannah said my name the other teacher eyes widened in surprise.
      "Um... Hi"Cordila said nervously
                   "I didn't know we were expecting any new students today, but it's nice to meet you Cordila, where are your parents"Headmistress Moore said shaking her hand
My eyes went straight to the sliver bracelet that she was wearing as it shimmered in the sun light
             "Well I didn't know that I was going to coming here, so I guess it's a day filled to the brim of surprises" Cordila said taking her hand back.
                    "What do you mean?" Headmistress Moore asked confused
                     "You see the thing is she didn't come here on her own, I went to get her from the human  world "Hannah said
                      "You're a lindeo aren't you" Nora said with a smile
                 "Apparently I am" Cordila said
               "Oh wow, Ms. Streams would you check in our new student, I have to start looking for a new teacher and getting ready for a rebellion. Now if you would excuse me , welcome to Mystic Mountain" Headmistress Moore said
She walked back into her office closing the door behind her
                 "Is everything okay ,Ms.Streams"Hannah asked concerned
                     "Yeah , I guess teenage fueds never really die" 
She tucked her hair behind her ear exposing her pointy elf like ears.
              "Anyway, hi I am Ms.Streams  sorry that had to be your introduction to the school" Ms.streams said
             "Don't be I actually find it refreshing that you are honest with your feelings" Cordila said
           "Thanks, well my office is this way. I'll take it from here , Hannah said
                        "You sure , I mean I can come along"Hannah said said nervously
                  "I'm​ sure" Ms.streams said
As we walked away from Hannah i suddenly became nervous, not sure of what she was going to ask or say, or how I was going to respond.
Right now I  really wish dad was here. He always knows how to calm me down.
Even being around all these "Begins" I am still going to be alone, not just because I am he only one of my kind , but because I will be here alone without my dad and without Monica. I am going to be truly alone here. And for the first time in my life I am honestly scared.

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