Chapter twelve

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The next day went on as nothing happened the night before. I decided not to tell Monica about the whole experience with the mysterious book, not until I figure out what it all meant. Monica left before me to go do research on why and how the Answang​ got on campus.
I couldn't stop thinking about what the book showed me, Maybe Ms. Streams could help me figure it out. I opened the best side table I saw the flower bud sitting on the unopened letter Hannah gave me the day we met. I had almost forgotten​ about it . I picked up the letter and put it in my bag and held the flower bud in my hand as I made my way to Ms. Streams class. When I got there, he class was already beginning to fill with students, just like before the strange boy from yesterday sat in the same spot, with all that happened the night before he walked the last thing in my mind I needed to worry about. I sat down at my seat. The seat next to me still emptied.
The bell rung as Ms. Streams entered.
"Hello class everyone take your seats and we'll get started" Ms. Streams said
As everyone sat down she wrote the days lesson on the board, before she could began, the Headmistress Moore walked in with a boy, I feel like I have seen before.
His chocolate brown hair shagged over his eyes.
"Sorry for the interruption Ms. Streams , but we have a new student" Headmistress Moore said
"Okay, thank you Headmistress Moore" Ms. Streams said
" Well I'll let you all continue" Headmistress Moore said leaving
I could tell that he was nervous, I was in his shoes yesterday.
" So why don't you introduce yourself" Ms. Streams said
" Okay well my name is Micah King and I am from Sandpoint, my parents told me that I am a elf, well at least part of me is elf, the other half is human" Micah said nervously
The moment I heard him say that he was part human my heart stopped hopping this wasn't a dream. By the way everyone's eyes shifted back and forward from him and I "
"Well welcome Micah, why don't you have a seat next to Cordila" Cordila said
As Micah walked closer and closer to me, everyone's eyes followed him, my heart began to beat faster as he got closer. He sat down next to me as the class began to murmur.
"Hi" Micah whispered
"Hi" Cordila whispered
As Ms.Streams began teaching her lesson I suddenly became nervous, I didn't know what to say to him, I thought that I was going to be the only one like me at this school. I kept looking at him, through the corner of my eye, he looked very familiar like I have met him before.
"Hi, I'm Micah" Micah whispered
"Cordila"Cordila whispered
"So what is this school like" Micah asked in a whisper.
"Not sure yet, I'm new here" Cordila whispered.
"You too, maybe we should start a club or something" Micah whispered with a smile

I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. I couldn't shake the feeling that I had met him before.
After class Micah and I left together both of us trying to find our next class.

Meanwhile in a tower in the dark realm.
Raina sat on the window seal humming a hyme.
As she looked up at the charcoal black cloudy sky, she saw a beam of like peak through the clouds.
"Something definitely is a miss" Raina thought to herself.
She walked over to the mirror hanging on the wall.
"Show me" Raina commanded waving her hand over the mirror .
A figure began to appear on the mirror. It was Monica in the library researching the Answang.
"Why read about them, they only stay in this pit of darkness" Raina thought to her self .
The image of Monica faded away, and the sheild around the school appeared.Raina saw that the spell was beginning to weaken. Seeing this cause fear to form in her .
She waved her hand over the mirror once again and the image disappeared.
Raina knows she has to tell someone about what is going on with the school.
Before she could finnish her thought, a figure began to appear in the room.
           "This better be good cause I was on a very important date with a really hot guy" she realizes where she was " wait where are we I mean you, cause right now I am in a bathroom stall at an Italian restaurant" the mysterious lady said
Raina was glad to see someone she could trust. She knew that she was the only person she could tell and get word back to Mystic.
            "Taila, my dear friend" Raina said with a smile
                  "Raina, what is going on and where are you?" Taila asked confused.
          "The dark realm and something going on with Mystic. I need you to get word to Nora and tell her that the spell around Mystic is falling and either they conjer up a new potion to protect the school until  I can get back or they must prepare for something bigger then anyone" Raina said

Taila walked over to the window and looked down.
        "Why don't you go and tell her"  she looks at the chain wrapped around her ankle "I am sure you can break out of that" Taila said
     "I know, I can but I can't."
Raina walked over to the window and stuck her arm out.
   "There is a magical field about this place, just like the one at mystic only the opposite. Evil can get in, good can not go through. Which is why I need you to get word to mystic" Raina said walking away from the window.
        "Okay I still don't understand why are you here" Taila asked confused walking away from the window.
            "I was taken but everything will be relvead in time. Now you have to go" Raina said
         "Okay, fine but answer me this one question. Say I get  word to Nora, how are you suppose to get back before whatever is coming gets there if you can't even stick your hand out the window"Taila said
Raina just smiled and put her hand on Taila's shoulder.
        "Go to mystic and you will see your answer to that question and soon everything will be be revealed"Raina said
            "Okay fine, but when all of this is over you owe me some answers" Taila said
With that being said she disappeared from the  room .

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