18: Speed dial

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-one year later-
"No, Matt. I'm done with you're fucking crap!"I threw my stuff into a bag, slinging it onto my shoulder. Matt followed me through the house as I gathered my stuff.
"What are you talking about?!" He ran his hands through his curls multiple times over and over again in frustration. "I haven't even done anything!"
I tightened my grip on my sweatshirt.
"That's a fucking lie!"
"No, it's not! I have no idea what your even talking about. All I've done is be on tour."
"That's not the problem and you know it, Matt." I grabbed my shoes, holding them in my hand.
"Then what is it?" I walked into the kitchen trying to ignore him. "What the fuck did I do, Liz."
I turned to him, tears starting to fill in my eyes. He knew exactly what I was talking about.
He'd taken a knife and stabbed it into my stomach, just to make me sit there in pain until I bled out. Right now, he was turning it only making it worse.
"You sleazy piece of trash! What did you do this tour huh?!" I threw my hands up in the air. "You must've though this as you did it too. 'Oh, Liz isn't here this tour for work so I can do whatever the fuck I want to do!'"
I slammed my hands onto the marble counter lightly. If that's even possible. A tear or two fell off my cheeks, onto the counter.
"'What she doesn't know won't hurt her.'"
Matt stared at me, not saying a word. I was waiting until he said exactly what every guy says right when he's really in trouble.
He didn't say anything for minutes, just watching as I cried. A phone rang in the distance but neither of us moved to answer it.
All I could think is that I never wanted to see him again. I raced for the door, grabbing my keys. I'd already grabbed everything else and put it into my bag.
"Liz! Wait! I'm sorry! Please come ba-"
I slammed the door behind me, running bare foot on the carpet. Once I reached the elevator I pulled out my phone.
I called Danny with out hesitation. He was my speed dial."Hello?"
"Liz? What's wrong? What happened?"
I wiped the tears on my face away with the sleeve of my shirt, heading through the lobby to my car. I told him everything, starting with four words."I'm on my way."
-1 month later-
"M'am, do you have an emergency number we can put down?" The lady asked, staring dead at me. I avoided her gaze. "One just in case you die, get sick, or are released?"
"Yeah. My brother Danny." I whispered his number to her, twiddling my thumbs in my lap.
"Alright. Is there anyone you'd like to speak too before your admitted?"
The lady didn't move her gaze from me. I stared ahead at the phone, wondering if I should call Danny.
He's name crossed my mind but I quickly moved it away. Maybe I could call my mother. Or my father for that madder.
But inside I didn't want to bother anyone on of them. They were all busy enough.
The lady smiled at me wearily, like she was forced to do this thousands of times a day.
"Do you have and police records or violent outbursts that we should be worried about?"
I shook my head lightly.
"Is there any medication that you need?"
"Y-Y-Yeah. Anxiety medicine. Depression meds." I cringed as the words left my mouth. I knew that they'd put me on the meds as soon as I was admitted.
"And have you been taking these meds regularly?" The woman typed on her keyboard, looking through her cat eye glasses at the screen.
"Alright. Head through here if you would."
-6 months later-
Dylan sat in front of me, laid back in his chair. He had his usual smug look saying that he was planning something.
I moved my rook a space making Dylan sit up straight in his seat, a smile on his face.
"Ha!" He yelled, moving his queen in on my king. "Check mate."
I laughed as I moved my queen on his, removing the threat of a check mate. The smile on Dylan's face disappeared to be replaced with a focused one that no one really ever saw on him.
"That's cheating!"
"It's not. I just took your queen before you could take my king and win the game." I shrugged, slouching in my chair. "It's fair."
Dylan stared at the chess board before looking at me. "Fine." He huffed, crossing his arms. "You win this time."
We both moved to lounge chairs and caught up on life.
"So how's Anna?" I asked making him smile to himself.
"Good. We adopted a whittle piggy the other day!" 
I smiled because of how happy he was. "Really? What'd you name it?"
"Luna. Luna Alvarez."
"That's a nice name." I looked at the window, even though it showed nothing but white wall. They couldn't risk some crazy breaking the window if it was real.
"So how have you been, Liz?"
I looked back at Dylan, my smile gone. "Fine I guess. The same as always."
I shrugged. "They boosted my meds for depression but my anxiety pills have been put on a lower dosage."
"That's nice."
I forced a smile into my face. "Enough about me. So how's the guys?"
"Georges kid got an award the other day, Scarlett is getting too big for me to be honest."
I looked over at him, wiggling my eyebrows. "What about you and Anna ? You expecting anytime soon?"
Dylan chuckled. "Me? Na, not yet."
The conversation died a little, the real question hanging in the air.
How was he?
"Matts got a girlfriend. Jorel and Vanessa are good. So are Jordan and Randi."Dylan brushed it off easily not wanting to dwell on it for long.
I focused on my feet. "Good good. So I heard you guys are coming out with a new album soon."
"Yeah." He laughed opening his mouth to tell me more but a nurse came and interrupted him.
"Sir, visiting hours are over. Say you're good byes."
The nurse stalked away, me and Dylan standing up. I wrapped my arms around Dylan's waist, not wanting to get onto my tip toes to go around his neck. The mofo was tall.
"Thanks for always coming to see me dill." I whispered into his shirt not wanting to make it obvious that he was the only one who came to see me anymore.
"Your welcome, Lizzie."
We pulled away from a hug only to hug once more. Dylan didn't seem like an emotional person but under some layers he was.
"Be good, okay?" We both laughed it off, pulling away.
"Have fun with your new album and tell everyone I said hi." I started to turn to the hallway leading to my room.
"Love ya, Liz."
"Love you too, Dylan."

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