Success Goes Away

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As I was in the train I seen one of my step dad's friends I got really scared and panicked cause I knew they were looking for me cause they know I would tell..... I couldn't get off because the doors closed I seen him walking over to me and I panicked I didn't want to go back there .... So I screamed I screamed loud so the whole train station could here me but that didn't stop him i fell to the floor quicker then I screamed I kicked and punched but no one was touching me ..! Why was I doing this ?

"I'm going to help you calm down" he said whispering in my ear

but I was still screaming "no don't touch me stop .! nooooooo" i yelled as tears ran down my face as people looked at me crazy

" alright I'm calling the police "

the lady said "no no shes my daughter she's having a panick attack it's fine no need for that" he said as I just started crying as he picked me up as the train stopped Nd whispered in my ear "you scream or say anything I'll beat you worst then your DADDY did "

all I did was nods as tears fall as he puts me down and calls my step dad "yea I have her where at polvrose station" (A/N: made up) he said speaking to my step dad

"ok I'll be right there" my step dad answered

"ok" his friend looked at me

all I did was trys to run but only gets caught by him "why are you doing this to me what have I ever done to you" I said lowly

"cause I get to get a piece of you when we get to your house" he said kissing my cheek

I started to cry harder as he sat me down

2 hours later

When I looked up I saw my step dad walking to us "oh so you want to run away huh ..... I got something for you ass" he grabs my by my hand and starts walking away" thanks man all I did was cry because Ik what gonna happen

his friend just watched us was away "Ight"

"meet us there ok" he told his friend

I started to cry harder

his friend just nods and smiles at me

as we went our separate ways my step dad also named tony kept touching my thigh ugh you don't know how much I want to kill myself!

O.O kill myself it not worth going through all this pain why not kill myself



ok if people ever think killing yourself is going to make it better or hurting yourself it's not ! it's just making others miserable because they lost a friend or family member god always puts his strongest in TOUGH situations so bare with him and he'll make your life better you just have to fight n try if you don't try to make it better it's not gonna get better

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