stalker alert!

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I sat glued to my chair, eyes threatening to close any second now. I had just survived another torturous one hour and twenty minutes of History, struggling to pen down the last two words I managed to hear from our teacher, Mr. James before zoning out.

Seriously, how hard was it to right down 'Oyo Empire'?

But before I could even write 'y', my best friend sped into my classroom faster than lightning. I seriously wonder why this reincarnation of Flash still doubts me whenever I tell her she would excel on the tracks.

And the next words that came flying out of her mouth were certainly what I needed to wake me up in a flash.

"101 Alert! Grab the camera and run"

She didn't need to say a word more. I understood her perfectly as I jolted awake, my eyes widening.

I grabbed the camera from my bag and we both ran out of the class.

"Where?", I asked still running struggling to catch up with my bestie, Charlotte.

"Area 6", she replied without slowing down for just even a second. "Well, I spotted him around Area 6, he should be around-"

"-Area Q as usual since this is around 2:00, I guess. But we're never gonna make it in time", I cut in.

"I know. We have to use the shortcut by Area C"

And then we kept quiet focusing on the task. Running through doors, trees, more doors, more trees, even more doors, even more trees, until finally we made it. Well at least Char made it, I was still some miles back (totally exaggerating), panting uncontrollably.

"Hurry up!", Char whisper-yelled. "He's about to leave.", she sighed. "Y'know what, just throw it"

"What?", I asked genuinely confused.

" The camera, you fish "

After 'oh-ing', I threw the camera successfully at Sia, aiming perfectly. Maybe I should consider trying out for archery.

I finally made it to Char after some seconds still panting.

"Oh, look who is finally here. It took you how many centuries?"

"Ha ha, Miss Flash 2.0", she rolled her eyes at me. "And in my defense, I was practically asleep when you got to my class"

"Sure you were"

"I'm serious", I defended raising my voice a bit.

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