Tag Contest #3 - Winners

61 10 45

Hello guys!!! I do have the winners today. But I don't want to tell you them.

So bye!!

Jk!!! I would never!!! Oh c'mon!! I did give you a heart attack! Don't lie now...!

Here are the winners guys!!

1st place goes to the One and only

project-undiscovered 221

Yay!! Well done!!

And in 2nd place. A ravishing score with 210 Tags! Goes to.....



And finally in 3rd place an amazing amount of 150 Tags was achieved by...


Thank you to everyone who participated and congratulations to the winner!!

Prizes! Now I know that you are all lazy so I have rewritten the prizes here so you don't have to go find it in another chapter!

1st Place:

A follow if I am not following you already

Reading, voting and commenting on a story of your choice

Adding a story of your choice to my reading list: Great stories

A shoutout on my message board

2nd Place:

A follow if I am not already following you

Reading, voting and commenting on a story of your choice (only the first 5 chapters; unless I choose to continue)

A shout out on my message board

3rd Place

A follow if I am not already following you

A shout out on my message board

Please Note:

If you win please say: I won- claim In the comments. If you do not reply back within 2 days, you will be disqualified.

Hope you all join again next time for another fun tag!! See you all soon!!
(ALSO  I am holding a cover contest but today is the last day you can make anything!)

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