Tag Contest #4

77 10 46

Go go go!! Tag as many people as you can. The people with the most will win 1st, 2nd or 3rd.

The comments must be written as shown below:

1. @ (then mention a person)
2. @ (then mention a person)
3. @ (then mention a person)

↑ this just helps me to count them because many people do a lot and then I find it really hard to count them all!

No rounds on this one!

Start date: Wednesday 12th April 2017

Due date: Wednesday 19th April 2017

Winner Announced: Thursday 20th April

Can not send any tags on Wednesday 19th April 2017

Winners must claim their spot by Friday. On Saturday, you cannot claim. You must do it on Thursday or Friday. If you dont claim by then, someone else will win.

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