Chapter 3

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 ~Katie Gardner, 2019, Wedding Day~

When Travis and I entered the room, there arose a loud cheer from the wedding party, especially Connor, who I assumed would be pranking me the entire night for “stealing his brother”. Sounded fun. I glanced around as we walked up to take our seats and noticed Poseidon and Athena in a deep argument on the far end of the room. As I passed Annabeth and Percy, I pointed.

“You might want to go see what’s going on before they blow up the entire place,” I said.

“Probably a good idea…” said Percy. Annabeth stared at Percy. Percy stared at Annabeth.

“FINE! I’ll do it!” she said as she got up. I could’ve sworn I heard her mutter, “Sure, let your pregnant wife do all the work…” as she walked away. Travis and I took our seat only to be bombarded with Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Miranda, and Connor, all asking us questions at once.

“Hold it! One at a time!” yelled Travis, struggling to be heard over the crowd.

We started to answer all their questions, but chose to ignore Connor’s: “Will you guys name your baby after me?” I noticed Annabeth beaconing at me to come towards her, so I excused myself to see what the situation was.

“There seems to be a little problem with the wedding cake…” Annabeth said, her voice trailing off. I looked in towards the cake. It was blue. Wait, now it was silver. Then green. What was going on? I looked around in the general area. Poseidon and Athena. Of course. Wasn’t it enough to ruin their own children’s weddings? The worst part was that mortals around them couldn’t help but notice the changing color of the cake, even through the mist. I gave myself another mental face palm. I asked Annabeth to try to stop the argument and sat back down next to Travis. At least the night wouldn’t be entirely ruined. We were together.

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