Chapter 6

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“Oh, that one’s really cute!” I promptly sat down in the rocking chair. It had a cute

 Wicker basket look and the cushion had little purple and blue flowers on it. Travis and I were at Babies R Us, looking for the perfect furniture and supplies. “Fine, that one is a little cuter than that one. How much is it?” “$52.99.” We were trying hard to stay within our budget, but they had so many cute things. “On to the cribs! Joy!” said Travis, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Once we get this over with, we won’t have to do it again,” I reminded him. We walked over to the crib section and searched until we found a cute one under our budget. Next stop: clothing. “Oh, this one’s adorable!” I squealed. I held up a little purple onesie that had a pink flower on it. “I like this one,” said Travis. He showed me a blue one that read “MWA HA HA!” “No, Travis. We are not going to let our daughter wear that!” I scolded. This pattern continued, with the occasional compromise until, exhausted, we both called it quits. As soon as we walked outside, the freezing air enveloped us. It seemed like the cold would never end. Gosh, was it already December? On the drive home, I turned on the radio. Taylor Swift’s song “We Are Never Getting Back Together” blasted through the speakers. “Not that song!” complained Travis, and I had to agree with him. I plugged in my phone and hooked it up to the car speakers. Pentatonix music was soon flooding through the speakers. “Much better,” said Travis, “You know, I’m still kind of nervous. I know everything was alright at the last appointment, but I’m afraid something’s going to happen in the next month. Am I really ready to be a dad?” finished Travis. “You’re going to be a great father!” I said, trying to cheer him up. “Hey, why don’t you call Percy when we get home and talk to him? He’s been through this twice.” Travis gave me a smile and we rode the rest of the way home in a peaceful silence. Once we arrived, I turned up the thermostat and started making dinner. Travis walked in a few minutes later. “By the way, we’re babysitting Sophia later today.”

“Okay? Why?”

“Well, Percy said that we could watch her for a little practice if it makes us feel better.” said Travis. Well, at least it gave us practice. “Oh yeah, and he gave us the invite to his holiday party this Saturday…”



“What date is it?”

“The 19th."

 “WHAT! How did I not know Christmas is in about a week?” I through down my apron and pulled my coat back on. “Where are you going?” asked Travis.

“CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!” I said in a matter-of-fact voice. “DUH!”

“You don’t have to get me a present, Kates. The baby is my present. You are my present.” I gave him a warm smile and began to take off my coat. Sometimes, he could be so charming. “Though I would settle for a truckload of M&M’s…” finished Travis. I rolled my eyes. Boys. I finished up lunch and handed Travis his plate. “You know, the baby is going to have a name. Any ideas?” I said.

“How about Connor?”

“We are so not naming our daughter after your brother!”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s a girl!”

“Fine. How about Fiona?”

“Isn’t that the ogre from Shrek?”

“Yeah, so?”


“How about Amy?”

“Too old fashioned. How do you like Alexa?”

“Too much like Alex. He’s a jerk.”


“No… Mave?”


“How about El Chupacabra?”

“What kind of name is that?”

“A cool one,” said Travis.

“How about we brainstorm later?” I said. “So when is Sophia coming?” Travis looked at the clock.

“Five minutes.”

“WHAT? Help me clean up!” I said, scrambling to clean away non child-appropriate things. We managed to get everything tidy-ish right as the doorbell rang. I answered it.

“Sophia, this is my friend Katie,” said Annabeth. “Katie, this is Sophia.”

“Hi Sophia!” I said. “How are you?”

Sophia had to be the smartest little girl I knew. She turned two last April and had already began to talk in phrases.

“Hi, Katie…” she said nervously.

“I like your doll,” I said, trying to break the ice. She held a small rag doll in a pink dress. She gave me another smile, this time less apprehensive. “Come in,” I said. “It’s freezing out there!”

“See you later Soph!” said Annabeth. “Have fun!” I closed the door with a wave to Annabeth and led Sophia inside. Travis turned on the television. It was on some mining show.

“My daddy watches dat show!” Sophia said excitedly. She promptly sat down in front of the T.V.

“Do you want something to eat, Sophia? How about PB and J?”


“I’ll be right back, okay sweetie? Travis will watch you.” I made Sophia a sandwich and walked back into the living room. “Here ya go, Soph!”

“Kates, I think we should name the baby Jade,” said Travis.

“What? No!”

“Well, it’s better than Amethyst!”

“We are not naming our daughter after a gem!”

“Why not Emmy? Short for Emerald?”


“April,” said Sophia.

“Yes, you were born in April,” I said, “But my baby is going to be born in January,”

“April,” repeated Sophia.

I pointed at her doll. “Is her name April?”

“No. April!” She pointed at by tummy. “April!” I gave Travis a look that seemed to say “Do you know what she is saying?” He gave me a confused look and shrugged.

“April, not Jade,” she repeated.

“Oh!” I said. “Do you want me to name my baby April?” She nodded vigorously.

“April!” I smiled at Travis.

“April,” I repeated.

“April,” said Travis. I gave Sophia a hug.

“Thank you, Sophia! Our baby’s name will be April - April Grace Stoll!” I liked the sound of that. It’s amazing how children spark imagination. April Grace Stoll…

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