Sick (Hikaru Osari)

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A strong sneeze reverberated throughout her entire body due to the cold she had caught, all because of an idiotic bet with Yuuta on who could stay underwater for a longer period of time, in an outside pool during early spring.

"(N/n)-chan, you have to take your medication!" said insistently the green haired idol.

"I don't want to!" declared the girl, pouting as she crossed her arms in front of her chest and turning her face away from him.

That conviction however, was not enough to stop Hikaru; he always had a row of different ways to force her to take the medication; hiding it in her food, forcing it in, or waiting until she felt so bad that she would simply take it on her own.

"Please (n/n)-chan, it will help you to breathe better!" he urged again, his eyes showing off a pleading look.

"No, I can do well with just my mouth, thank you very much!" she responded, scrunching up her nose in clear disgust.

Attempting to prove his point, though, the young man covered the girl's mouth with one of his hands in order to prevent her from breathing in such a way.

She really was unable to breathe at all through her clogged nose; when she finally managed to pull his hand away she began to desperately pant and gasp for much needed air, causing a chuckle to raise from her care taker as he observed finally accepting the pills.

"I'll go make you some soup, okay?" beamed the male with a bright smile.

"Hm, thank you..." she nodded in response, quietly turning around in her bed.

She had known the idol for a long time, and he was always there when she needed, especially when she found herself sick. Throughout the years of knowing him, she began developing a considerable crush on him; of course she did believe that it was impossible for him to ever reciprocate her feelings.

Slowly, the (h/c) fluttered her eyes closed and unknowingly ended up drifting into a very light slumber while she waited for her dear friend to come back with her soup. Out of the nowhere, she felt someone rubbing her arm in an extremely light and gentle manner, attempting to disturb her as little as possible.

"(N/n)-chan, I have your soup here." Hikaru's familiar voice whispered close to her ear.

With a very low grumble, she fluttered her eyes open only to meet his mesmerizing yellowish-green orbs that stood a mere couple of centimetres away from her own (e/c) ones. With a light blush now dusting her paled cheeks, she sat up on the bed only to find out, much to her dismay, that her (dominant) hand was dormant and she was unable to make use of it.

"I... can't move my hand..." stated (f/n), looking away from the male due to all the embarrassment she felt at the moment.

"Ah, is it dormant?" he inquired worriedly, taking said hand with his two. "Here, let me fix it."

Ever so gently, he began massaging the female's dormant hand; as he did so, she couldn't help but stare in wonder at his beautifully yet oddly coloured orbs that were strongly fixed upon her dormant hand.

A small pained whimper abandoned her lips as the feeling of one thousand minuscule needles replaced the dormant sensation.

"Ah, it's finally getting better!" he cheered calmly, before letting go of her hand. "I'll feed you until it stops aching, alright?"

Lightly, he blew on the burning spoon of soup and quietly moved it towards his friend's mouth, succeeding in not spilling a single drop; with a now noticeable blush, she accepted the food she was being offered, it had a rather pleasant taste.

A while after she had finished eating, the two finally took notice of the time; it was getting late and, to make matters worse, the medication's effects were beginning to wear off, leaving her feeling rather stuffed and cold.

"(F/n), I can't leave you alone like this..." his tone was surprisingly serious and worried, so much that he had dropped the nickname and the usual honorific.

"It's alright, I'll be fine!" she waved off, perfectly aware that her words weren't the least bit truthful at all.

"No, I am staying with you!" he announced seriously, figuring that it was about the time for the symptoms of the girl's cold to be coming back.

Reaching over to the female's forehead, he placed his soft hand upon it.

"Hm... this is a little more reliable..." he muttered under his breath, gently connecting his lips to her forehead, in order to check her temperature.

Silently, she laid there upon her bed as she felt his soft lips touching her skin, her blush got brighter and brighter by the moment; she was perfectly aware that this was an efficient way to check someone's temperature, but he was still her crush.

"Your fever is back!" with this being said, the green-head reached towards the nightstand and took a pill for the fever in his hand; unfortunately, these were her least favourite pills...

"Now, I know you don't like this, but you have to take them. Please!"

"No!" her answer came much quicker than it should have as she covered her entire being with the blankets and covers of the bed.

An odd humming sound reached her ears, soon followed by the sound of a bottle opening and the cracking sound of the opening of one of the disgusting pills; she was curious at what idea had crossed his mind. She could feel his body leaning in over hers and, clearly unexpectedly, felt his lips being placed over hers from the other side of the layers that covered her. She couldn't keep a surprised and embarrassed squeak from abandoning her throat.

"Hi-Hikaru...I-I don't want you to get sick!" she stuttered nervously; her features had acquired a clearly unhealthy shade of bright red.

Taking this chance, the idol gently pulled the blankets away to leave the girl's face out in the open.

"So (n/n)-chan, you do like me then?" he inquired with bright loving a smile.

"Not enough to take that pill..." she muttered stubbornly.

"Well, it can't be helped then!" he declared.

He slipped the pill in between his lips and leaned in close to her face, then fully kissing her and slipping the pill away and into her mouth while she was still caught by surprise. She gagged a little due to the heavily bitter taste until she finally accepted that she had no choice other than swallowing it.

"Hikaru, I don't want you to get sick!" she whined again.

"It's alright, right now you are more important than that!" he cooed, softly tackling her into a tight hug.

"I'm not leaving your side until you get better." he declared, pulling the (h/c) into his chest as he laid down with her on the comfortable bed.

"If you get sick, it's not my fault..." she muttered into his shirt with a soft giggle, his mere presence made her feel better.

~~~ A Week Later ~~~

"Thank you for helping me get back up to my feet; Hikaru-kun!" she stated happily, throwing her arms around his lean torso in a hug.

"At least now..." he began, leaning in and placing a sweet kiss upon the girl's lips as her arms circled his neck and his arms surrounded her waist. "... I can do this without you telling me I might get sick!"

As he finished his sentence, he let out a little sneeze.

"It's my turn to take care of you!" giggled the girl.

"Hehe, looks so...!" he agreed, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

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