Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


(Elle's P.O.V.)

I couldnt believe it. We just got through to the eighth round on the X-Factor. Alot had happened since the second round. Me and Louis had made it official, as well as Liam and Mel. We walked out the building and there were thousands of scraming people out there. And it wasnt for the guys. athey were still inside....besides they were holding up signs that said our names, or our band name 'Endlessly Original' so therefore they liked us. Wow. I mean I knew I was popular, but not that popular. Haha suckers back home who said we wouldnt make it. We're showing them. Were on the X-Factor, and what are they doing? Working at McDonalds. Ha. Take that.

We were going to this building. It was a white building. Booooring. I wonder what they would do if i took a water gun filled with permanent purple paint and sprayed the building? Im not gonna try it. Why are we going into this bland white building might you ask? Well because we were going to a movie premier for The Muppets Most Wanted. Thats right. I get to meet Miss Piggy!! Take that Macy who had no faith in us. De-optimist.

"I cant believe this!!" Mel exclaimed. "Lou Teasdale is styling us!! Omg this is going to be a dream come true!" I might have forgotten to mention Lou was styling us. Please excuse me whilst I let out some emotion. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Okay I'm good. We walked into the building.

"Can I help you?" A stiff looking secretary lady asked frowning at us from her seat. "And FYI we only let celebrities in here. We dont let in the trash." She smirked. I took a step forward.

"Umm FYI only people under 30 can say FYI. And if you actually paid attention to the celebrity gossip, you would see that we are on the X-Factor." I smiled sweetly at her. You know what they say. Kill them with kindness....and if that doesnt work then smaking her in he face would work too.

"Im soory Elle, but its obvious she coudnt see that. Shes obviously blind. Shes a walking fashion disaster. I mean who did your hair. The cat? Wait. Im sorry. The cat could even do a better job." Mel glared at her.

"At least I have a boyfriend. I would pity the guy you guys are dating if anyone would even date you. By the way. You girls are trying too hard to be cool." The secretary lady said.

"We dont have to try to be cool. It just comes naturally. We arent 40 year old ladies working behind a desk trying to look like a sexy secretary. Sorry hun, but no. Just no. That look isnt meant for 40 year olds." Mer joined in.

"Id be nice to us unless you want my fist to come in contact with your face. Or Mels. Or both of ours." Rose grinned.

"And some of us our dating people." Hope smirked. "Elle is dating Louis Tommlinson, Mel is dating Liam Payne and Mer is dating Tommy. We have boyfriends. Me and Rose dont because we havent found anybody yet."

The secretary was about to respond when another lady came over. She was alot yougner though....Id say in her 20's.

"Is there a problem here?" She asked as she looked up from her clipboard. "Oh My God! You girls are Endlessly Original right!? Theyre waiting for you girls!"

"Yes there is a problem. And that problem is this extremely rude secretary. Hasnt she ever watched any tv?" I asked.

"Im so sorry. Ill deal with her later. You girls can go down the hall. First door on your right." The second secretary glared at the rude one. I stuck out my tongue at the rude one as we went down the hall. When we walked in, there were about two more ladies in there. They ushered us into seats.

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