Chapter Fifty-Six: Meet the Parents

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A/N: So sorry about the delay. Between real life stuff, college life stuff, and writers block, it's been a rough time. Hope you enjoy and I'm hoping to have the next chapter up next Friday (cross your fingers).

At the end of the vid, all of the crew that had gathered was practically on the ground laughing. Shepard sat serenely next to a hysterical Kaidan and a very stoic, very unamused, Liara.

"See, what'd I tell you- they loved it," Shepard commented to Liara, a small smile playing on her lips.

Joker held tight to his ribs. "'Go go go go go go go!'" he cackled. "'I'm going!'" he finished in a mock-Shepard voice.

James shook his head as he tried to catch his breath. "'Truck!'" he chuckled, doing a fairly good impression of Liara. "I can't believe…you two!" he gasped.

"It was fun- why shouldn't I have enjoyed it? It's not often I get to be in a high speed chase and I get to drive," Shepard pointed out. "It was a nice break from everything that had been going on."

"Nah," Kaidan spoke up, wiping his eyes. "The best was when Liara started talking about head on collisions and you were just like, 'Yeah, I hear those can be bad for you.'"

"There is a reason why no one lets Shepard drive- and that's just one example," Liara pointed out, not at all impressed with the amusement that the crew gleamed from the vid.

"Hey, I am a perfectly acc-"

"Commander," EDI interrupted her, "you have a request for a private vid chat marked both priority and on secure lines."

Shepard glanced down at her omnitool, only to note that it shouldn't have been her parents. "All right, I'll take it up in my quarters."

"Shepard," Aria said in way of greeting. "Tevos tells me that you're on your way to the Citadel."

Raising an eyebrow, but deciding not to say anything about her familiarity with the Asari Councilor (she had her own theories on that one). "That's right."

"Set to dock in two hours?"

"Sounds about right- I'd have to talk to my pilot to make sure."

"It's time."

"Not really- it's only 1400. We're set to dock at 1600."

Aria gave a look that clearly questioned Shepard's intelligence. "It's time to take back Omega. It's all been arranged- we're just waiting on you."

"You have a plan?"

"Just meet at Dock 42- a Batarian named Bray will meet you there."



Shepard froze and shook her head. "Can't it be pushed back?"

"No. This is the prime time to infiltrate the defenses. You need to be aboard the ship at that time."

Taking a deep breath, Shepard nodded. "Consider it done. Shepard out."

After turning off the comm, she collapsed back into her chair and ran her fingers through her hair. If it wasn't for the resources that Aria had promised her when they took back Omega, she might have told her to go screw herself…save for the fact that she had promised Aria she would help her.

It was all for the war effort.

Inputting the data she needed, she waiting for her dad to answer her call.

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