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Fifteen Years Ago

The banquet hall continued to flood with the townspeople living in the small corner of England belonging to King Stefan. The Kingdom of Veralle.

Beloved Queen Leah stood high and proud on the right side of the king's towering throne where he was seated, eying each guest that entered through the palace doors.

The interior of the castle was a look to behold.

Flat, dark gray stones traveled their way up each wall from ground to ceiling. The polished marble floors held ribbons of gold that glimmered whenever one of the lights from the low-hanging chandeliers cast a glance at them. Cream colored satin dripped from the throne and the royalty's clothing. It draped over the large columns and windows, the folds sagging over each other creating braids.

The dark oak tables overflowed with venison, roasted boar and goat, loaves of bread, stewed potatoes, an assortment of squash, and any delectable pastry imaginable. The smell wafted throughout the crowded ballroom and down the corridors. Sweet and floral fragrances invaded the castle as bouquets of roses and assortments of yellow marigolds were brought in as gifts for the princess.

A princess; new and unfamiliar to the kingdom.

That would be changing tonight.

Conversation and random chatter settled as the king rose from his seat and walked towards the delicate cradle sitting only a few feet from the throne. Everyone's attention was instantly drawn to the gentle swaying of the bed. Whispers began to emerge from the audience.

People started to form a circle around the cradle, giving a good radius, not wanting to get too close. It appeared as if a perfectly circular shaped glass case was placed around the royalty and everyone was just on the edge of being pressed up against it.

As everyone peered up and on their toes trying to see the infant princess, the king and queen took a step back as seven fairies moved forward and presented themselves with a curtsy. He gave a solemn nod and they each smiled at the two of them. One fairy, Sibelle, took a step forward and gave a worded and more proper introduction to themselves.

"We beg your apologies that our eighth sister could not be here to join us on this day of joyous celebration."

The king's eyes widened and his face turned a slight shade of pink.

"I did not extend my invitation to your eighth sister. That is why she is not here, correct?" His voice was hoarse and cracked as he raised an octave on the last sentence. They looked around at each other unsure and a few low murmurs could be barely heard.

"Yes, your majesty."

His rigid muscles began to relax, but his jaw stayed set in its firm and tense stature. He turned his attention from the seven of them and looked out at the large crowd.

"My beloved subjects." The king's voice now rang clear, calm and steady now. "As I'm sure most of you are aware, we gather here today for a celebration. This feast is being held for the christening of our new child. I am pleased to announce to you your new princess!" He glanced down at the child's rosy cheeks and smiled back at her.


As conversations deflated and the banquet table bestowing the assortments of food grew thin, the king wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin and stood up from his seat. His simple gesture silenced the room and earned the attention of everyone. He cleared his throat and the seven fairies sitting next to him and the queen stood up as if they read his mind.

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