Chapter One

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A young gentleman's voice came echoing and crashing down into my serenity.

Around me, the once still grove rumbled ever so slightly. The sycamore trees appeared to reach higher, outstretched towards the pitch sky as if trying to escape the suffocation the interrupting sound brought. The fern leaves began to quiver against the newly formed breeze as it raged through my hair.


The forest, taking another blow, shook underneath the man's voice. My eyes searched frantically for the intruder of my peace I had so carefully crafted. A dry twig snapped beneath the sole of someone's boots, scattering the nymphs and sprites, the buzz of life stranding me to the darkness.

"It's all right. You can come out."

I wasn't sure if he was speaking to me or rather the magical creatures previously gathered at my feet.

The delicate beings dancing around only minutes ago had now completely vanished as if they never existed when he called out for the third time. The different fantasies began ceasing to exist at the mere sound of the stranger's voice.

"Who are you?" I daringly called back, but there was only silence threatening to mock me.

A shadow peered around a large trunk and crept across the damp moss floor until it touched the tip of my bare feet. I gasped and backed away, startled, to let the darkness envelop me as I retreated slowly towards the trees, creating distance from the clearing.

All was quiet with the exception of the rustling leaves from the increasingly untamed wind and the brushing of feathers of the raven overhead circling the field.

It glared down at my presence, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end and sending a shiver down my spine that continued through my entire body.

My concentration quickly turned from the raven and towards the shadow when another crunch of leaves echoed around.

A boy emerged from the forest.


My mind and body wrestled with itself. Someone was calling my name. But my dreams refused to let me go. I needed to see the face of the man.

Every night I was launched into a false reality miles away from my current life. These strange experiences always toyed with my mind. The nagging feeling of familiarity was relentless and impossible to ignore each and every time.

Sometimes it was nice to think that my imagination was so creative. I've never seen anything out of the cottage walls, yet I could dream up witches and fairies, magic and curses, and most curious of all, people. People who were so different from the only three I knew.

However, these feelings of pride were short-lived as I was never able to recall any memories once my eyes opened each morning.

Still, I enjoyed my time, appreciating what I was given. They were always so mystical and the whole situation of it continued to sweep me off my feet every night.

"Briar Rose!"

I knew I had to awaken and leave my fantasies behind, but before any comprehension could set in, a blinding light invaded and stung behind my eyelids. I gasped and sat upright, my eyes finally opening, leaving my dreams behind and already a forgotten memory.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 02, 2017 ⏰

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