What Happens When you Put LoveBirds in One Room Together

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Kirstie POV
So now we are going to New York to perform and we all stayed in a really really fancy hotel just near Times Square. I wanted me Kevin to have a room together cause I don't want to be alone and I can't be sleeping with Scott Mitch or Avi I'm not single, but Scott and Mitch are sharing a room 😏 and Esther and Avi are sharing a room. siblings...... anyways so yeah and me and him are going to have a little chat tonight I mean ya know never mind.

Kevin's POV
Me and Kirstie in the same bed I love sleeping with her cause I love snuggling up with her and good night and good morning kisses aaahhh I love Kirstin.

**Time Skip to Night Time**

3rd Person POV
Kirstie and Kevin went into there room together holding hands. They ate Dinner and got ready for bed but I Kirstin got in a Bra and Undies but she put her robe of it. "Hey Kirst why do you have your robe on?" Kevin asked "well...." she said sitting on his lap.
"Maybe we could have some fun?" She said taking her robe off too revile what she had on. (The bra and ya know)
Kevin bit the bottom of his lip smiling.
Then Kevin pulled her closer and kissed her on the lips deeply and passionate, then Kirstin slowly took his shirt off and kissing him on the neck to his chest. All of a sudden Kevin put her on the bed then he went over her kissing every inch of her body. "Can we do it?" Kevin asked "Maybe when I'm ready cause I'm scared I'm sorry" Kirstie said. "Meh it's okay as long as your with me in bed I'm good." Kevin said with his smile, and then they started kissing again but Kirstin went on top of Kevin French kissing him on the lips so deep, but then the door open and it was Scott and Mitch, they came in to asked something but they were in shock. "Oh mmm Oh OH MY GOD!!!" Kevin said in shock, "um we were um huh" Kirstie said "OMG I knew you guys would do this I should of recorded this!" Mitch with Glee "This is what happens when you leave lovebirds alone together." Scott said "we will leave you too to do it" Mitch said with a giggle, then they left. "Well that was weird" Kevin said "yea.....but how was the door opened?" Kirstie asked confused. "Meh who cares shall we continue?" Kevin said "oh yeah" so they Kissed deeply until they fell asleep.

Aah young love

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