Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Dark clouds covered the once beautiful blue sky. Thunder and lightning grew louder and became more frequent. Soon enough, rain began crashing down on the people and house of San Francisco, California. 

"The time has come." A mysterious voice says. 

An older woman with dark brown curls and green eyes looks out a window and into the black sky. 

"The time has come to find exactly who I need." The woman says calmly. 

She crosses the room and opens the door to go outside. Picking up an umbrella that is conveniently placed beside the door, she exits and opens up the umbrella. 

Rain immediately comes crashing down onto the top of her umbrella. The sidewalks of San Francisco are mostly empty, as are the roads. Except for a girl. 

A girl with bright blonde hair. 

HEY GUYS! It's been a while! Anyways, here's the first chapter of my new book! Since it was soooo short, I'll be posting chapter two later! Please comment and vote! I love you all!

love, okginny

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