Stay With Me (Drew Chadwick FanFic)

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     Some people are meant to find each other. Some are not. Some people are meant to love each other. Some are not. You can influence who you're supposed to find or love, but you cannot comepletely choose it. I believe in soul mates. There is one person in this world that you are destin to meet. Some people spend their whole life searching and searching for that one person, but some find them on accident.

       Talor Riley spent her four dreadful highschool years listening to music, reading books, and taking pictures. So, when she finally graduated, she had nothing planned. No college. No job. Nothing. She had always dreamed of adventure, yet never stepped into it. Even though she lived in Ohio, Califnoria was written all over her. She didn't belong in Ohio. She didn't belong in New York. She didn't even belong in Forida. She belonged in California, and she knew it. Nobody expected her to be the type of girl to drop everything and leave. Nobody expected her to do anything quite as daring as she planned to do. That's because nobody actually knew her. Sure, her mom and few friends thought they did. But did they really? They had never listened to the music she loved so much, or read the books that brought tears to her eyes. This is why when Taylor told them she was moving to California, they we're all surprised.

         *TAYLOR'S POV*

      "Taylor what are you talking about? You are not going to California! I thought you loved it here," my mom said to me. I let out a small laugh.  Why did everybody think they knew me so well?

       "Yes, I am. I hate it here in Ohio! I'm 18. I can do whatever I want now, and you can't stop me. I'm so tired of looking at the same walls everyday! The same never ending empty streets. The same dead ugly grass. The same tedious people. I'm moving to California. I have enough money saved up for a flight and I rented an apartment already," I had been holding that in for so long, but once I said it, it felt like the whole world had changed. Something inside of me changed and I felt so free to do whatever I wanted, say whatever I wanted. Nothing was holding me back now. I spent 18 years acting like somebody I wasn't. I was done. My mom looked at me stunned and walked out of the room. I smiled to myself and continued backing. It was hard to choose what to bring to California, and what to leave behind. I threw all my clothes into one of the suit cases and put some bathroom necessities in there too. Next, I put all my records and books into the other suitcase and struggled to close it. Since I couldn't actually take the record player on the plane I was shipping it to myself. Right as I finished I heard a small knock on the door. I opened it and saw my mom with tears in her eyes.

        "I'm sorry, I'm going to miss you so much," she mumbled and hugged me. I hugged her back and sighed.

         "I'll miss you too, but this is something I need to do,"

         "I understand, just make sure you call me everyday," she cried into my arm.

         "I will, I'm leaving tomorrow,"

        "Okay," she said pulling away and wiping the tears from her eyes. "You grew up so fast,"

         "Yeah, I did. Well I have to get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning," I smiled and closed the door. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

         I woke up to oh-so-lovely the sound of my dumbass neighbor mowing his yard. But, in a way, I didn't really care. I thought about how this would be the last time I heard it, or the last time I woke up in this bed, or the last time I walked out of my room on a Saturday morning, or the last time I looked up at the clock that hung above my bedroom door. There were so many last time things that I almost forgot about all the first time things. It was crazy how so many things could change at once.

       After sitting in bed and thinking for a while, I glanced at my phone and realized it was 10. My plane was leaving at 12. I rushed downstairs and found a plate of eggs sittign on the table, so I ate them fast.

        "Slow down, you are going to choke," my mom laughed.

        "My plane leaves in two hours, I have to hurry,"

        "Well, if you choke then you'll have to be here even longer, and you'll miss your flight. So, slow down," she said and then walked out of the room. I laughed and continued to eat the eggs until the white plate was empty and my stomach was full. Next, shower time.

          I turned on the shower and hopped in. Showering was one of my favorite things to do. My best thinking was done in the shower. The water was so warm and relaxing I forgot how long I was in there so I quickly shampooed and conditioned my hair and got out. My hair wasn't short, but it wasn't too long. It was just above my belly button. It was about 11 by now so I dried my hair quickly and put on some sweat pants and a baggy v-neck. If I was going to be on a plane all day, I wanted to be comfy. It was finally time to go. I hugged my mom and we said our goodbyes than I finally walked out the door and closed it.

         "Time to start my life," I whispered to myself as I drove away. I was going to pay somebody to tow my car to California from the airport for me. The reason why I had so much money was because I had been saving every penny since I was 6. That's five years of chores, six years of babysitting, and two years of working at Panera Bread. It adds up to a lot. I lived about 10 minutes from the airport so I got there around 11:20. I started to wonder how many people here just came back home, or were just visiting Ohio. I wondered how many people here were doing what I was doing, or just going on vacation. So many people everyday left and came back. I can understand why they would leave Ohio, but why come back? As I walked in I saw a boy and girl hugging and wondered if they were sibling, friends, or lovers. I smiled and walked on. I had to wait in line a couple minutes until I finally went through everything, bag check, security, ect., and finally got onto the plane. Since I was tired, and had a 8 hour flight ahead of me, I decided to sleep. When I woke up, I would be in California.

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