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Overseen By: None

Verified Member On: 2/21/2014

Roleplayed By: @RavenTheKitteh

Name: Zoey Rose Streams

Gender: Female

Personality: Kindhearted, but quiet and shy, preferring to be alone or with a trusted friend, which she has only one of. She really looks up to Jennifer, and considers her to be her only friend, going to her when something happens. She puts full trust in Jennifer, though she's still learning about her. She can sadden easily, and is really protective of her violin.

Age: Thirteen

Description: Small with long slightly-curly pale blond hair, and faded, blank, blind gray eyes, that look to have once been blue or green. She has faded freckles over her nose, and arched eyebrows to always give her a surprised expression.  

Element: Water

House: Water

Position: Student

Other: She is blind, but had begged her parents for violin lessons from a young age. She now plays it well, and can dance ballet along with playing it. Her parents died in a car crash years ago, leaving her as the only survivor. From there, she was taken to an orphanage, where her life only went downhill. She dislikes it as school, and is constantly thinking about 'home:' life back in the past with her parents before they were killed. She's constantly bullied for her disability, and is highly put down because of it.

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