Chapter Four- Revenge

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Chapter four

Icy sat next to Bearfur on the rock in the heated springs. They watches the colors stream down across the sky as the sun sank lowet.

Icy loved Bearfur and was jealous of the other she-cat he liked. But she savored the moment and enjoyed every second. She shut her eyes for only a few moments before opening them once again.

The sun had fallen and darkness surrounded the two cats. only the light of the moon shone on the forest making the newly fallen snow glow.

Bearfur began wading back to the shore and icy followed out of the warm water and into the cold air. Icy thought she saw silver in the bushes but quickly demolished the thought. It could have been a trick of the light after all.

But it wasn't. A yowl burst through the silence as Bearfur was tackled. A golden tom thrashed at him and Icy unsheathed her claws with a hiss. But before she could fend off the attacker she herself was pinned down.

A silver tom held her firm on the ground and Icy went limp. Silverclaw. he put his mouth to her ear and whispered." Say goodbye to your "friend.'" He grinned as Icy watched te golden tom dig his claw in Bearfurs pelt and drag it across his flank. Blood leaked from Bearfurs side and he yowled in pain.

Icy struggled against the weight of Silverclaw but he only pressed harder.

" I belive its time for you to die now," he meowed with an malicious growl.

Icy shrieked as the tom dug his claw into her neck. Pain seared up her throat and she winced as he tore through her skin. Icy fell unconscious as the blood soaked her white and silver fur and spilled out on the snow around her.

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