Chapter five Snowclan Warrior

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Icy's POV

Icy woke to the lakes wave lapping at the rocks around her. The water and melted the snow and soaked into her bloody fur. icy tried to stand up but the searing pain in her neck stopped her.

"Help," she meowed hoarsley before coughing up a splash of blood.

Her vision went blurry as she spotted a hunk of brown fur laying up the bank a few tail lengths away.

"Bearfur," she roughly meowed before briefly chokin on more blood.

She once again fell unconsious immune to the cold water that drenched her pelt.

* * * * * * * *

Icy moaned as she woke up to the pain. She expected a cold rush o.f water but instead heard voices as cats came closer. She was in the medicine cat den. Some cat had thankfully found her. Thanks Starclan. icy sent up a quick prayer. Her neck was covered in cobwebs and poultrices. Her wound stung as the slowly sat up on the mossy floor of the den.

She gaped at Bearfur who was laying a few tail lengths away. his gash was smothered with poultrices and even more cobwebs than Icy's. A familiar shecat was besides Bearfur. Either his mother or his friend. Icy wasn't sure.

Icy stretched and yawned, which made her neck hurt worse, before padding out of the den. A few cats stopped and stare at icy as she walked over to the freshkill pile. She grabbed a squirrel in her jaws and leaped onto her rock.

Her rock. her most favorite place in camp where the sun shine perfectly and the breeze ruffled her fur. Even in the coldest of days this spot was perfext. Icy gnawed on the squirrel and gazed over the camp.

Maybe i should stay here. she thought. I could become a warrior. Even if i couldn't take Bearfur as my mate. She sighed. Ill decide when I'm healed up i guess.

Icy sat on her rock. every day just waiting for her wound to heal. thinking of a name. a warrior name that would suit her. She loved Bearfurs name. it fit him perfectly. He had deep brown fur like a bear and a heart of one to.

The days flew by and soon Greenleaf had arrived. Icy licked the scar that wrapped around her neck before jumping down from her rock. Stormstar had left his den and sat on HighRock watching over his clan.

"Stormstar,"Icy gulped back her nervousness.

"Yes icy," Stormstar sat up and gave a quick yawn.

"Um,"Icy began," i would like to officially become a Snowclan Warrior. I would like a warrior name."

"We would love to have you join our warriors icy," Stormstar purred, "Just Pick out a name and-"

"Icypelt,"Icy purred. She wanted someway to remember him and picking a similar name would work.

" okay then," Stormstar replied. "Icypelt. i welcome you as a full warrior of Snowclan."

Warriors Cats : The story of IcypeltOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora