Hannah's Demons

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When Alyssa had initially been injured, it was Hannah Reynolds who had witnessed the damage. It was Hannah who had called 911, and it was Hannah who had stayed by Alyssa's side until the paramedics showed up. She had been about as far from calm as possible, but that hadn't seemed important to many others at the time.   Unknown to many people though, when Hannah had initially witnessed Alyssa's accident, she had gone into shock. Thankfully, she didn't fully enter a traumatic state until after the Ambulance arrived, but the effects of witnessing the accident still lingered. Every so often, she would have nightmares about the incident, but instead of Alyssa being injured, Hannah had taken her place. She had woken up screaming on more than one occasion.

Unfortunately, Hannah didn't have many helpful outlets to help her recover fully from her trauma. Prior to the accident, Hannah had already suffered with issues regarding control. In fact, many of her friends and family often assumed that she suffered from a minor form of OCD. Suffice it to say, she didn't like being helpless, and she often racked herself with guilt unnecessarily. So when the accident occurred, it was no surprise that Hannah had launched into a tidal wave of insecurities and doubts, fretting constantly about how she could have stopped the tragedy. She remembered every detail so clearly, and with each day that passed, it was those small details that slowly began to eat away at Hannah's mind.

Of course, her parents hadn't understood the type of care Hannah would have needed in order to recover from the accident. Instead, they had actually escalated Hannah's stress, albeit unintentionally, but they hadn't exactly been helping when they asked Hannah if she could have prevented the accident in any way. That was the question that had been eating away at Hannah's mind, for days, weeks, and even months after the accident. When she had tried to explain this to her friends, they had initially tried to reassure her that she had done the right thing. But when Hannah's insecurities persisted, they soon grew tired, and irritated, so Hannah had learned to stop bringing it up around them. So, all in all, her other friends made for pretty useless outlets as well.

Before the accident, Hannah knew Alyssa pretty well, and it was simple enough to say that they were close friends. Alyssa was a good listener, a loyal one, and was always patient with Hannah, always making time to put her needs first. But she also wasn't popular, and she wasn't the life of the party when it came down to it, so they had been growing more distant as of late. Then the accident happened, and Hannah slowly began to realize that the type of therapy she needed, was the one that ironically, only Alyssa could provide. And that realization then proceeded to inspire a whole new flood of doubts in Hannah's mind, as she began to wonder why she had ever grown farther apart from Alyssa in the first place, and why the one person she really needed to talk to, was the one person she had let get hurt.

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