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A/N: Shit is about to get crazy as fuck. I'm about to send y'all emotions on a rollercoaster.


He brought me to a place far away from civilization and he had me blindfolded the whole time. I couldn't see where we were going just in case I tried to leave. The first couple of days were bearable. I didn't eat but he didn't try anything. Going on to the fourth and fifth day, he would hide my clothes and make me find them naked or he'd walk into my room and try to have sex with me. Every time I would put up a fight and soon he got tired of beating me up, so he would just leave. Yesterday, he didn't come until after dark with a bag of stuff and walked straight pass me into a room and didn't leave it. I fell asleep on the couch and I was dreaming of Keith holding me. I felt a hand run up my thigh and try and make its way into my underware.

Me-" Come on baby, I told you I didn't feel like it." I felt the hand roughly pull at my panties and it felt too real. I opened my eyes to see Javier trying to finger me. I kicked at him and screamed. " Get off of me! I told you not to touch me, leave me the hell alone!"

Javi-" I have been being nice this whole week, now it is time for you to repay my kindness."

He grabbed my legs and dragged me down the hallway not caring what my head hit or how loud I screamed. He brought me into the room that he was in last night and it looked like a scene straight out of 50 shades of grey. He tied me to a hook and grabbed a whip. He hit me in the face, legs, ass, stomach, ect. and took all of his frustration out on me. When he was done, he tried to pry my legs open and with the little bit of strength I had left, I tried my hardest to keep them shut. Instead of him trying harder, he cut me down from the hook and grabbed his gun pointing it at my head.

Javi-" You think I'm playing, huh bitch? I will kill you right here and no one will know where to look for your body." He walked in circles around me to try and scare me.

Me-" Do it then! I'll get to see my daddy and grandma, plus if it was in God's plan, then take me out the game." Death is a better option than torture and rape. He cocked the gun back but stopped himself.

Javi-" You know what, I'm not even going to do that. I'm not going to kill you that would be too easy."

Me-" Or you're too pussy to carry out what you started."

Javi-" No mama, I think I'm going to text Dakari and tell him to meet me at your place, then I'm going to kidnap him, bring him here, rape you while he watches, and then kill all of us. Yea, that sounds like a better plan." I began to sob at the fact that Dakari would have to see me suffer and then die because of me.

Me-" No! Don't bring him into this. Not him, he hasn't even lived his life, please!"

Javi-" That's too bad, he could've lived a full life." He covered my mouth and taped my hands with ducktape and he kicked me in the head. The last thing I saw was his silhouette leaving the room and blood coming out of my face before I blacked out.


For the past week I've been a drunken mess. I have left my house and haven't picked up my phone. I know I probably have a million missed calls from everybody. Luckily we haven't had anything like filming or press because I'd be knee deep in bullshit. Right now I'm just scrolling through pictures of me and Jazzy on my laptop. I missed everything about her. I feel like half of me has been taken away. The sound of someone banging on my door took me away from my pity party. I sluggishly pulled myself out of bed and went to open the door. Everybody was standing at my door worried.

Kayla-" Keith you need to hide, now!" She pushed me in the house while everybody held guard at the front door.

Me-" The fuck am I hiding from?" Then I heard her brother yelling.

Jose-" I know that bastard is in there!" He pushed pass everybody and ran up to me, Kayla tried to keep him from getting any closer but I moved her. " What the fuck did you do with Jazzy? I know she was with you last nigga."

Me-" Your information is wrong. I haven't seen her in a week."

Lani-" Why not?!"

Me-" She dumped me, said she wanted to see other people. " I plopped down on my couch and everybody stared at me in complete shock.

Kenny-" You lying. All Jazzy ever talked about was you."

Luke-" That's all her and Jessie talked about on the phone."

Jessie-" There's no way that she meant that. Shes been checking you out for a while now."

Raven-" Yea, she was feeling you in house party. Something not adding up."

Kari-" Plus her mom'll be in town tomorrow. There is no way she missing that."

Yazz-" Man, when's the last time you talked to her."

Me-" The last time we saw each other. I tried calling and texting her but she didn't respond. Did y'all check on her?"

Jose-" Me and Christian went pass her house last night and she wasn't there."

Woody-" Me, Al, and the girls checked at the studio but she wasn't there." Something wasnt adding up.

Me-" Oh no."

Bry-" What man?!"

Me-" The last time I saw her she had a bruised lip and her eye was  fucked up."

Kayla-" No, this can't be happening again!" She started pacing back and forth and I got 10x more nervous.

Woody-" Whats wrong baby, talk to me." He sat her down before she had a panic attack.

Kayla-" Do you remember that one rainy night in July of 2010?"

Woody-" Yes, I remember I was over your house because Jason cheated and you needed someone to get drunk and watch movies with because Jazz wouldn't answer her phone."

Kayla-" Yes and do you remember when Jazzy ran in the apartment covered in mud, her blood, and bruises."

Woody-" Yea, she said it was because Javier tripped out on her. What does this mean Kayla?"

Kayla-" She told me that Javi was back and doing crazy shit to get her to come back to him. I think it started again." Everybody got completely silent. That's why she was acting like that. Somebody's phone went off and all heads turned to Dakari.

Kari-" It's a text. It says ' Come to my place alone. I don't wanna talk to nobody but you.'"

Yazz-" Elijah, Algee, and Jose stay here just in case anything happens and we need backup. Ladies, I need y'all to stay here with them. We will call when we find her."

Elijah-" I got you b. Go find our girl."

Jose-" Make sure she gets back safely, her mom and Ralph won't be able to take it if she isn't found."

Me, Dakari, Yazz, Luke, Woody, and Bryson all ran outside and got in Luke's car and thought of our plan.

Me-" Luke, he doesn't know your car; Kari, you go in after me just in case he does some crazy shit; Yazz, Bryson, and Woody; Yall come in last and if anything goes haywire, don't kill him because we need to know where she's at. Now, let's go get our girl."

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