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word of the day - “비싸게 굴다”

비싸게 굴다: To be haughty, to be full of yourself

literal translation: “to behave cheaply”

Word class: “비싸게”, adverb. “굴다” verb.

왜 선배를 안 좋아하냐고 하셨어요??? 그녀는 항상 비싸게 굴어요!

"You ask why i don’t like my senior?? She’s always full of herself!"

왜 Why

선배 Senior

를 object particle

안 not

좋아하다 to like

-냐고(요) verb ending used in quoting a question. (usually followed by 하다, ‘to do’, or 묻다, ‘to ask’)

그녀 She

는 topic particle

항상 Always

비싸게 굴다 “full of yourself”

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