Chapter 3 (male)

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Hanzo POV

'I need to run, he will rip me to shreads' was all that was going through my mind that moment I ran into the temple and he stopped... and laughed. Y/n suddenly dissolved into a weird ink substance and she started to sing a strange song

" Come to me,
Come to me,
We shall win,
We shall win,
They will all... DIE!"
At that moment when he said 'die' a strange blob started to form.
No no-one shall get through us,
She shall DIE,
he shall DIE,
The blob got bigger and formed arm and hand gripping a knife.
"I want,
You want,
Nothing but a bath,
Yes a bath, in blood,
We can turn the world grey,
We can turn the world black,
We can turn the world white,
We can turn the world, red"
The blob got teeth and lunged for me swinging the knife(bendy in blob form in bendy and the ink machine I love you if you have seen chapter 2) y/n went into the ink and appeared behind me and shot am arrow, it missed by and inch(give or take a few). The wind suddenly changed to were it was blowing just at me with more force. I was almost knocked of the roof because of the wind he walked up to me and said in a slow sinister voice.
"Now, you can have eternal slumber" he pushed me off the roof into the water I felt like this was the end od my life. I (somehow) managed to survive after y/n walked of I got into the temple but seconds after I got in a sudden rush of warm wind and a black blur ran past me cutting my arm saying 'this is not the end'

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