Chapter 32- Katerina

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Emilys POV

" Good morning" I said in a happy voice. Paul look at leah. " Ya' know. You think the girl that just found out that she got raped would be a little more..... gloomy" Paul whispered. Leah slapped him. Carlisle and Edward both came in the living room.

" Emily, I'm glad to see that your feeling better today" Carlisle said.

" Ok, so. It wasn't me. I wasn't raped" I said quietly. " Emily-" Edward began. " No, Edward please please. Don't tell me I'm crazy. It's Katerina. I feel what she feels. She feels what I feel. Were connected" I said. " How do you know that?" he asked looking intrested.

" In Ireland. I saw a vision when I touched her tumb stone" I said. " She's dead?" he asked.

" Not anymore. " I stated.

" Well congrats, your still a virgin little goodie two shoes." Paul said. " Paul" leah scolded.

" Isn't it kinda weird that your Great Great grandma still looks as old as you do?" Paul asked. Leah slapped him once again.

" Well she had a baby when she was 17 then she was turned so I guess yeah it's weird." I said with a smile.

" Emily, you might want to go upstairs, Jake's about to wake up and he's gonna flip out if your not there" Alice said. I nodded. Thank god for Alice. I don't want Jake to flip out again. I walked swiftly up the stairs. 

I looked over at Jake who began to stir. I laughed softly. I watched as his eyes poped open. He looked paniced but then he saw me and he pulled me against him. He's still warm.

" Do you wanna do something today?" I asked running my fingers through his hair.

" Are you sure your ok?" he asked. I smiled. " It wasn't me who was raped Jake.......... It was Katerina"---

I stood in the bathroom straightening my hair. I was already dressed. I did my make up and then I was done. But I couldn't stop staring at myself. I looked the same, but so different at the same time.

" Whats wrong" Jake said making me jump. " Nothing, lets go" I said. " Emily don't lie to me"

" It's just. I didn't want this. I used to wish that I had a better life. Then I met you and I though that was it. I didn't expect all of this to happen" I said with a sigh and out of breath.

" It's going to be ok. I promise" he said before he pulled me in a kiss. I walked through the kitchen and grabed my keys. Jake wouldn't let me ride his bike. He doesn't want me getting hurt. So, were taking my car.

I walked slowly to my car. Hand and Hand with Jake. I opened my car door and then I heard it.

" Emily?" Rosemary screeched. " Your back" she said tears in her eyes.

" Hey" I said hugging her. " Parker...... he thinks your dead" she spat out in a hurry.

" Tell him I'll be back in an hour and tell him to come see me ok?" I asked. She nodded. " I'm so glad your ok" she said pulling me in another hug. Causing me to laugh a little.

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