.:1 - Faith - 1:.

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Faith's Pov

Hi. I'm Faith, and I am not your average 9 year old girl. Ok, before we begin procrastinating and getting off topic (I do that a lot) I am an orphan, I live at Miss Carbridge's Orphanage For Girls. This place doesn't exactly live up to its name as Miss Carbridge left ages ago, and was replaced with Miss Majene. Some things you should know about me :
I'm probably the most hated girl here, I am incredibly short (9 years and only 3 ft 7) *A/N - yes I am aware that is only a few mm over a metre* I have ADHD and I am a wolf hybrid. Yes, I know that escalated quickly but honestly I don't give a damn. I don't really want to be adopted, I'm actually genuinely afraid of the thought of it. I guess I'm scared of grown people except for the workers here. If I ever get adopted, it will take me a good few months to settle in and start to trust them.

Tyler's Pov

Ok, if you saw me on the streets right now you would probably think I'm drunk. In reality I'm just over the moon, because me and Josh are going to adopt a child. We are walking to this 'Miss Carbridge's Orphanage For Girls' place. We want to adopt a girl, I have no idea why but it just felt right.

-Time skip brought to you by dancing beebo's- !1!!!1!!1!!!!1!1!??1!

After what seems like forever me and Josh finally walk through the orphanage doors. I smile as I see few of the orphans. After a second of admiring the place, Josh drags me over to the desk, where a lady was doing something on her computer.

"Hello, boys. I am Miss Majene, you must be... Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun?" She looks up for confirmation, in which we both reply with a nod.

"Ok, follow me to the room where you will get to know your chosen age group of girls," she orders. We obey and follow her, looking at our surroundings on the way. It was a short trip but it felt like for ever, I was way too exited. I could tell Josh was just as exited, but not showing it. I'm not sure why he does that, whatever.

"All girls ages 8 to 10 please report to the main office," the lady repeats into the loudspeaker 2 times before allowing any of the girls in. The first one was extremely hyper and positive, I think she could have been on drugs. None of them really stood out to me, until this one 9 year old was interviewed by us, her name was Faith. She was a wolf hybrid, I could tell obviously by her ears and tail. She seemed very anxious, which we could help her out with.

After all the interviews, I told Josh my opinions. He somewhat agreed, so we decided we would adopt Faith.

Faith's Pov

Why me? Out of all the girls to get adopted, me? Really? Why life, why. The car trip was completely silent aside from the music playing from the radio. That was completely blocked out of my head by my thoughts running around my head at lightning speed. Of course having ADHD is hard, but it has its perks. We can hyper focus, which is kind of like a superpower if you think about it. But we can also do the complete opposite of that just as easily without helping it.

"Faith, we're home!" Josh shook me out of my deep thoughts about basically what my life is. I hopped out of the car and grabbed my bags. I looked up at the tall man who just kindly smiled at me, and I could help but to smile back. I like his smile, it was very contagious-in a good way of course. How could a smile be contagious in a bad way anyways like maybe -- Once again, I was taken out of my thoughts by Josh suddenly picking me up. At first it startled me, but then I just went with it and layer my head on his shoulder while tightly gripping onto his shirt like it was a lifeline. My tail swished around happily and my ears sleepily lowered. My eyelids began to feel heavy before I drifted off into a nice, peaceful nap. I haven't gotten a good sleep in what seems like forever.

Tyler's Pov again Soz josh I'll git to u in a bit ok much thanks1!1!1

Josh gently sat The small, sleeping girl on the couch. She curled up into a ball before her eyes fluttered open. She warily looked at both of us, I silently awed at her smollness of being a bean. Her bushy, lilac tail made its way onto her lap, and her ears were perked up tall. She looked really deep into thought about something. I looked over at Josh who looked very interested in that very subject.

"So how about you tell us a bit about you?" Josh offered, breaking the awkward silence. I thought that was a very good idea, we clearly didn't get to know that much about her in that 15 minute interview. She was so adorable, she had long, chocolate brown hair, vibrant green eyes, she was barely over 3 ft 5, she was a wolf hybrid, her big fluffy ears on the top of her head were lilac grey at the bottom, and kind of faded into whit at the top. That was same with her bushy tail, white at the tip. I also noticed she had small... fangs I guess? Honestly I think it made her look cuter more than anything. Her personality was very shy and jumpy at the moment. I could tell she was afraid, of us, of being at a completely different place. She also got distracted and carried away from topic easily, yet at the same time she seemed focused and deep in her thoughts.

"O-ok..." she unsurely answered Josh's question.

"Ok, Faith, what's your favourite flavour of ice Cream?"

"C-cookies and cream I-I guess," she stuttered. I heard that people stutter when they are anxious or nervous, poor girl. This is all so different for her.

-TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY A JISH POV (and dancing beebo's)- !!!1!1!1?1?11!1?1!

It was about 8:30 pm, we were all watching 'Finding Dory' on the couch, but Faith had already fallen asleep. She was curled up into a small ball, leaning against me.

When the movie finished, I left her on the couch because I didn't want to disturb her. Me and Tyler both went to our rooms and got ready for bed. That night, I dreamt about all the fun things we will do together with Faith.

                                        It's Britney bitch

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