Chapter 7

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Rikki felt her head swirl as cats rushed all around her.

Snapped back to what was happening, Rikki was shoved to the ground as a cat ran past her. Etch raced past her chasing the cat. The cat was hold a small object in its jaws. Rikki ran after Etch to see what was the matter. as she got closer she could hear Etch.

"Stop! Stop it! Give him back!" She cried.

"Etch! Dont let him take me!" The small voice screamed.

Finally Rikki was running side by side with Etch. "Whats wrong?" She asked Etch while trying to catch her breath.

"He's got Bark!" Etch wailed as she charged after the tom

Rikki ran up to the side of him snapping her jaws at his paws. Finally the tom stopped and Etch caught up. Rikki looked around and relized that they where in the Ancient hollow. A place of peace for both groups. A light sheet pf snow covered the ground. The tom was in the middle of the hollow holding Bark by the scruff.

"Give me Bark" Rikki growled.

The tom set Bark down but kept from running "What? you want This back?" The tom sneered.

"Stone give him back he is my kit! Mine and Shag's! Not yours!" Etch cried.

Stone shook the snow off his dark pelt " You know very well that he is mine. You know that this could have been avoided."

"I never thought that you would do this. Let go of the past." Etch mewed.

Stone relaxed and seemed to be ready to give in.

Etch started slowly towards him "Just let me have Bark, please"

Stone's eyes flared up in anger "Never" he hissed.

Stone snatched up Bark and ran into the forest, swallowed by fog

"Etch!" Bark yelled. His cries faded and everything was silent.

Etch sunk to the ground crying and exhausted from running. 

"Oh Rikki, what are we going to do" She whimpered.

"We'll get him back. Come on, lets get back to camp the storm seems to be getting worse" Rikki meowed.

When they entered Etch went over to the apprentices den heartbroken.

Rikki jerked her head at the nursery as a scream sounded from it. Rikki rushed in to find everything torn up, there were holes in the wall, and moss was scattered everywhere. Snow wasn't in here but tufts of her fur lay around. And in the center of it all lay Flower. Huge gashes streaked down her side and her belly and face where both scratched up badly. And a Silver tabby tom standing over Flowers body.

"This was the cat that helped Benny!" Rikki thought.

"You killed her" Rikki whispered.

Moon looked around at Rikki shocked "No! I-I didn't. I swear!"

"You killed a queen giving birth!" Rikki outraged "But your a Healer!"

"I tried to save her! I would never hurt a queen!" Moon hissed.

"Even if I wanted to believe you I could. Your group is evil. They killed Spider, They attack us in the middle of the night, they stole one of our Kits!"

Moon seemed terrified when Rikki mentioned Bark. "That was never part of the plan" he muttered.

He looked at Rikki about to say something but another cat ran in and attacked him. Its was Zan. He jumped on Moon and shoved him away from Flower. Moon swiped at Zan. Zan dodged the blow and streaked his claws down the healers shoulder. Moon ran out terrified.

Zan saw Flower and almost choked at the sight of her.

"Flower.." Zan whispered to his mate "Flower".

Flower started breathing but very lightly and very slowly. She lifted her tail slightly to reveal 2 small kits.

She looked up at him and smiled "Hey..I guess I did it"

"Ya, you really did" Zan chocked

Flower looked at him "Why are you crying?"

Zan was wiping the tears from his face "Im.. just so happy that we have kits."

"I just know that you will raise them to be amazing workers" Flower mewed.

Zan seemed suprised "Wha- what do you mean"

Flower smiled. "I love you"

"No no no. Flower don't leave me I need you!" Zan cried.

Flower put her head down and her breathing started to slowly fade. Soon Flower was gone.

"Flower.. no" Zan whispered. He paw on her chest. It was stone cold. 

"NO!" He cried. Zan layed down next to Flower.

Rikki felt pity for her brother but rushed out of the den to her clanmates in battle. Every one was standing aside as Scratch and Tiny where locked in a vicious battle.

Scratch finally threw off Tiny "Its over. You have lost"

"I don't believe I have completely lost" Tiny hissed as she looked at the nursery.

Snow ran into the nursery. Her white pelt covered in blood from fighting.

"I told you that everyone of your cats will suffer and it will be at your paws" Tiny mewed.

"Leave! You and Your cats have been defeated" Scratch declared.

"You better watch you pelt. Somethings you can't control" Tiny mewed.

She flicked her tail and she lead the way out with her cats behind her.

Once they left Scratch seemed confused "What happened"

Snow came out of the nursery looking heartbroken "Flower has been killed. But has successfully gave birth to two kits."

"Anything else?" Scratch asked nervously.

Everyone started looking around. Rikki looked up and saw Tick Tock hanging upside down, tangled in vines from the vine tree. They where mostly holding him by his paws, But some where wrapped around his neck and tail. He seemed unconscious. Tick Tock wasn't dead because he was still breathing.

Twist and Shag quickly cut him down. Once he was on the ground you could see how shaken up he was. The white streaked fur on his face was stained red. Tick Tock was trembling as Twist guided him to Snows den.

Etch walked up to Scratch. She was shaking and looked like she was going to break down in tears. "The-they took Bark" She whispered.

"What?" Scratch mewed.

"They took Bark! My son! I couldn't keep up and he took him" Etch yelled.

Etch sat down hunched over crying. Everyone was surprised by her outrage. Especially Shag, He padded over to is mate and wrapped his tail around her.

"Bark is gone?" Nellie mewed.

Etch looked at her daughter. "Nellie where is your sister?"

Sand pushed her was through the crowd "I'm here"

Etch stood up and guided her kits toward the apprentices den.

"Ha, finally that annoying ball of fluff is gone" Grass muttered to his sister

Mouse and snow started treating to some cats wounds. Rikki looked at the nursery Zan was still inside mourning for his mate. Rikki walking in followed by Weed and Etch. They picked up Flower and brought her into the clearing. everyone started to sit around Flowers body.

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