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"Isadora?" She remains silent, but looks up at me with clouded eyes. She looks... broken.

"That wasn't a story was it? At least not one that you made up."

"No." She says so softy I almost miss it behind her foggy breaths. 

I reach out and tuck a stray lock behind her ear. She goes as still as stone. I can almost feel her tension through my sleeve. 

"He ran away, the father. He just... vanished."

"Your father."

"Yes." She says absently, lost in a current of her own thoughts. 

I stand up and brush the grit from my pants, offering a chilled hand to the still-seated Isadora. Her arms go from my fingers, up my arm, and then finally resting on my face. She takes my hand. It's small and delicate in mine. I'm nearly brought to my needs by the sudden desire to press her to my chest and crush everything awful out of her life. But I never could. Isadora Kai Violette doesn't care for me like that. I hurriedly withdraw my hand from her's and she looks at me in surprise. Her large eyes go larger still.

"Please don't go." She whispers.

"I never would."

She launches herself so quickly into my arms I nearly fall over. She screws her face into my sweater and balls the fabric tight into her fist. Water seeps through my shirt, and it takes me a moment to realise she's crying. I awkwardly wrap my arms around her tiny frame. Her heartbeat flutters lightly, and it surprises me that I can feel it. She looks up at me, her blue eyes swimming in sorrow. I know then, of all things, that I love her. Beyond anything I've ever experienced. As if in a daze, I lean down and brush my lips against hers. They're frozen with cold, but they're the best thing I've ever felt. What astounds me even more, is that she responds, kissing back with an intensity which kindles my own. We push against each other, fighting down somewhat animal insticts which are burried deep within our hearts. I've kissed before, sure. Sadie in first grade, Kate in the playground, Jennifer behind the gym. But nothing compares to this. I warm instantly. All too soon, she's breaking apart from me. Did I do something wrong?

"I'm sorry." She's whispers, before turning and running back into town.

I stand there for a while, near the edge of the forest, wondering if I've been pranked. But no, Isadora couldn't tell me something like that and be joking. Could she? When the first rays of sunlight creep out from behind the clouds, I sprint all the way home.

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