Explanations & Disclaimer

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First, I want to make sure y'all understand when and where this fanfic is taking place. The universe is basically the one The Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow etc. take place in, but in an alternate timeline. 

In my version of reality, after Eddie shoots himself to kill Harrison Wells (aka. Eobard Thawne) and Ronnie sacrifices himself to close the singularity, there are no breaches to Earth Two that open. Like in the original version, Team Flash starts cooperating again after 6 months, and like in the original version, Jefferson Jackson merges with Martin Stein to become the new half of F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. The only aspect in which my story differs up to the point where it begins is that there is no Jay Gerrick, no Zoom, no people from Earth Two that turn up. 

Team Flash just continues their normal life, hunting down metahumans and protecting Central City.

Until the Pied Piper turns up once again.

Second, it is my desire to make clear that I do not own any of the characters and most of the plots. All this is under the Copyright of DC or whoever came up with the whole Flash story.

This is merely a product of my limited creativity and overflowing boredom, so don't take it too seriously and don't be upset if the Characters do anything you aren't content with. Like I said, this whole fan fiction is only the mad scribble of a mad (and gay) scribbler. 

Plus, none of this is meant to be dramatic or heartbreaking or anything, it's just a little chill story about my otp getting together, so there shouldn't be any scenes that need a trigger warning, however, since I haven't planned all the turns of events yet, given there is a case which contains possible trigger elements, I'll give a warning.

Finally, another thing I quickly want to add is that the science this fan fiction contains is by no means realistic. I mean, I'll try and activate everything I've ever learned, but since all this is based on a science-fiction show which basically overflows with complicated scientific terms and explanations, I'm afraid I may have to let a bit of fantasy flow into it. What I'm saying is, don't shoot me if the physics don't make sense at all.


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