Chapter One

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Barry was in the middle of enjoying a coffee at Jitters and having awkward small talk with Joe's new partner Patty Spivot when his phone rang. He looked at the display only to read the name of Cisco Ramon, who, as always, had perfect timing.

"Sorry", he sighed and apologetically looked at Patty. He could relate to the young cop who most certainly felt like he didn't take her seriously. Rushing out of the coffee shop, he accepted the call.

Cisco's excited voice started rambling in his ear. "Barry, we need you. There's a bank at 38 Queen Street that's being robbed. It's just one guy, and the mugger seems to have some sort of capability to magnetically attract items, and by that I mean anything, not only magnetic metals. We're pretty sure it's a metahuman."

"I'm on my way."

Less than ten seconds later, the speedster was back in his scarlet suit, arriving at the crime scene just in time to witness a desk flying through the air towards an older woman. Without a second thought, he raced towards her, lifting her out of the way of the table that slammed into the wall just a tad later. 

He came to a stop right in front of what looked like the criminal who had caused this chaos. Barry could only make out a heavy built, male figure who was standing on a pile of desks. Every single item in the room seemed to follow the gestures of his hands. 

"You've brought enough misfortune on these innocent people", he muttered, thinking Oliver Queen would most certainly disagree with the word 'innocent' as his gaze brushed all the rich, ignorant people with their rich, ignorant lives, "Now it's your turn to try and stop me!"

In the blink of an eye, he ran around the mugger and pushed him off the furniture pile, hight into a wall. But what the speedster didn't expect was for the whole pile to cling on to the guy's body, and then, with a sudden repellence, change its direction to come flying towards Barry's head. With a thump, he collapsed under the heavy weight. 

Unable to stand up, contact STAR Labs or move at all, he stared at the mugger's scarred face that appeared above him. "You think you can stop me? Nobody can." He raised his hands to slam all the tables into Barry's head, most certainly causing his death in the process, when the buffy man suddenly collapsed on the ground, his hands pressed against his ears.

Slowly, Barry lifted his head, confusedly looking around the room until he could make out a skinny, dark person standing right outside the door, hands stretched toward the ground in an adamant manner. "Barry? What happened? Are you okay?", Cisco's voice asked through the communication device incorporated in his suit. "Y.. Yeah. Guess who just took down the magnetic guy."


"Hartley. Pied Piper. You know, the freaky sound wave guy."

"No way!"

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