Ch. 06 groomsmen and bridemaids

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8 hours earlier

"Yes, I have everything. I will be fine, mom." I sigh as I start packing my bags.

"No, I'm not going alone, Kendall and all of our friends are coming on the camping trip, I told you this." I groan for the third time. Glancing at Kendall I see her shake her head but continues to help me pack.

"Listen mom I have to go. I'll call you when we arrive. Alright, love you bye."

"You know this idea is crazy right?" Kendall says after she hands me my bag.

"This is the only time I can, though. While you guys are camping in the woods I'll be getting my man back." I said with a sly smirk on my face. I'll admit the idea sounds cringy to chase a man but what else can I do?

"And if your mom finds out that you aren't in the woods like you claim to be?"

"She won't. Listen even if she does I'm still going after him, I love him, Kendall." I pout.

"Your mind seems to be already made up so I guess it doesn't matter what I think," Kendall mumbles under her breath and I nod my head smiling as I take a few bags with me.

"I'll be back within a week... with him," I said confidently.


Still, in the airport, I call Zayn hoping that he will answer but I'm left with a voicemail. Sighing to myself I call him again hoping that he will answer but the response is still the same. I don't give up until the fourth call. And decide that I should eat something. Changing the money into pounds I go to the food court in the airport. While I'm eating I text Kendall that I safely landed.

She informs me that she told Liam about my whereabouts. So there's no doubt in my mind that Zayn knows where I am.

Sighing to myself I call him again for the fifth time and again I get no response. Biting my lip I decided that this plan will not go to waste and I will be reconciled with my man. Purchasing an tourist book I throw the book in my bag and call him again. With no answer again, I decided to just catch a cab and tour again for a few.  Luckily for me the cab driver was thrilled to show me around the major building around the area.

"Oh and this building right here is Malik enterprise. One of the most prestige national companies."

"I'm sorry did you say, Malik?" My ears rose at the familiar name.

"Oh yes, are you familiar with the Malik chains?"


"Yeah restaurants, hotels, They just opened up another hotel, we just passed it by the airport." He informs me.

"Are they famous here?"

"Of course!"

"You wouldn't know where they lived to do you?"

"I mean I can take you there, but it's impossible to get through with the security guards, and high tech gates."

"Take me there please."

Zayn Malik pov-

Ending the call I run downstairs pass Mr. Hardwick and straight outside. I don't see anything, but that doesn't stop me from running down the four-mile driveway. I stop when  I spot a blue taxi cab and one of the security guard talking to the taxi man.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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