Prologue: Charlie Maine

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Charlotte Maine was a humble girl, the adorable daughter of Henry Maine. Henry was only the most important corporate boss in all of Olympica Bay, where he quietly ran the multi-million dollar Maine Avionics. Maine produced the best aeronautic technology in the world, from 99.9% accurate radars to super sleek jets and missiles that were 100% accurate and nearly impossible to trace. Yes, Henry was a king in his own right, and Charlie was his princess.

The doctor told Charlie when she was 10 that she had Alexandria's Genesis, which explained her shining lavender eyes. Genesis meant that she wouldn't have to deal with "the pains of puberty," as Doctor Retter joked.

Yes, Charlie Maine was a lucky girl indeed. Breaker of hearts, a matchmaker sent from heaven. Whoever she thought could get together, got together. The only way in romance was Maine's way.

When Charlie was 14, she and her best friend Paris Trent were accused of shoplifting.

Charlie poured her pale pink lips, brown waves falling into her purple eyes. "Come on, you can't honestly believe that I would steal a Twix bar from you, Dwayne."

Dwayne Dare, an intimidating senior and quarterback of the Olympica Lightning, crossed his broad arms across his chest. "It's right in your hand, Maine! How can I NOT believe it?"

Poor Paris was shaking in his leather jacket and black boots, a look the brunette had acquired to look tougher. The look had to be approved by his best friend, of course, but Paris didn't seem to mind that. His brown eyes widened in fear. She chuckled. "Look Dwayne, I'm just hanging on to it for a friend." Charlie pulled out her wallet, plucking out a Ben Franklin. "Here's a little extra for your trouble. Just hope I don't report your sorry ass to the manager next time."

Dwayne's eyes widened in surprise as he pocketed the cash. "Y-yeah, sure, Char."

"And hey," she added, looking him in the eyes. "Just ask Spacey Hopper to prom, will ya? She's just dying to go with you."

Dwayne's cheeks pinked and he nodded. "Alright." He excused himself, pulling out his cell phone to make some very important plans for a very important girl.

Paris didn't say anything when they dashed out of the shop before Dwayne could come to his senses. No one ever said anything.

The only way was Maine's way.

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