Chapter 6 - He's gone?!

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Hope you enjoy this chapter! -Jay.

( Third persons pov )        
As the sun disappeared behind the Hokage mountains, the light started to fade and the stars were shining brightly as they possibly could above the village as the young boys fell in to a dreamless, peaceful sleep.
Meanwhile downstairs, the Nara head and his beloved wife were sitting down in the family room discussing all that had happened throughout that day.
"But what I don't understand is how that lowlife can abuse his own son and then not even recognize him! How is that even possible Shikamei?" The head of the Nara clan asked his wife. He had been wondering that exact thing the entire evening, and the entire thing had him completely puzzled. "I don't really know myself, Shikaku. But what I do know is that little Naruto has been having some help from his tenant. Maybe he has something to do with it, maybe genjutsu..." She replied as she got up off of the seat. Her husband looked extremely surprised at what she had said. "You mean..." He said. "Yes, it seems as if the tailed beast is treating Naruto better than those good for nothing leaders." She said. "How do you know that?" The man asked. "Well I had a hunch, so I asked him" She said as she shrugged her shoulders. "You asked him...? And?" He asked, insinuating for her to continue. "Well he just nodded his head, you know he doesn't really talk much." She answered with a small sigh.
She stood up and started to head upstairs to go to bed, but she suddenly stopped in the hallway and turned to fave her husband. "Shikaku. Tomorrow when you go back to that office, tell that man nothing, tell him absolutely nothing. You do not know about Naruto, got it? If he knew about him living here, it could put Naruto in some serious danger." Once she finished saying that, she turned back around and she went straight to bed.
"I know that, you smart but troublesome woman..." Said the pineapple headed man as he too headed upstairs to sleep.

~Time skip brought to you by the creepy snake lady~                             

The sunlight was peeking threw the curtains in the Nara household, waking up the male Nara's. As they finally finished stretching their limbs, they noticed that the other person that was in their room from the night before was now gone. Now the older Nara wasn't panicked at all because he new his wife was already awake; she was an early riser after all, the complete opposite of himself. But the younger Nara, well he wasn't so calm. He jumped out of his bed and ran into his parents bedroom.
"Dad! Naruto's gone!" He shouted over and over again. He looked like a mess, his eyes were filled with fear and worry. His dad looked a little surprised and a lot worried, had Minato found out about Naruto and took the little blond boy away? "Alright calm down now Shikamaru, you wont be able to think properly unless you are calm." Said Shikaku.
The younger Nara nodded his head and took a few deep breathes, successfully calming himself down. "Better?" He asked his son, who just nodded his head. "Good. Now tell me what exactly has happened." He said. "Well I woke up and Naruto was just gone. His old clothes weren't there either. What should we do dad?!" Asked the young boy, his voice cracked at the end. His father sighed and got out of bed, "Well we better tell your mother, she'll be nagging at us later if not." He said, Shikamaru just nodded his head and followed his father downstairs.
As they made their way down, they could smell something delicious; they could also hear some voices. They did what any other normal people would do, they decided to hide and listen to the conversation.
"Wow Naruto, where did you learn how to cook like this? It's amazing!" Asked a feminine voice, it sounded much like Shikamei's voice. "W-well Ayame showed me how to cook somethings a few years ago, but she's way better than I am.  I enjoy watching her cook, it's relaxing and peaceful." A ruff small voice answered, it sounded like Naruto's voice.
Before they could continue their little conversation, Shikamaru ran out of the hallway into the kitchen and tackled Naruto into a bearhug, this action made the blonde jump nearly three feet in the air.
"SHIKAMARU?! What's gotten into you this morning? You're not usually ever this hyper." Asked Shikamei. "Mom, I thought Naruto was gone! He wasn't in the room and his clothes were gone! What was I supposed to think?" Answered the brown haired boy as he scratched the back of his head. "I see. Now if you don't mind, could you please let go of the poor boy? It looks like he can hardly breath..." Said the woman with a little chuckle. As soon as those words left his mothers mouth, Shikamaru turned bright red and let go of the other boy. "Sorry, Naruto. I just panicked when you disappeared..." The pineapple haired boy said. The blonde boy  just stared at him dazed, as if he was trying to figure something out. "Why?" Was all the blonde could muster. "Why what, Naruto?" Asked Shikamaru, he, a kid genius prodigy, was getting confused. "Why. Why did you panic?" The blond haired boy asked as he stared at the floor. "As troublesome a it may seem, I panicked because you're my friend Naruto. I thought something bad had happened to you. I thought that that corrupt Kage took you..." The Nara boy said. "Oh" Was all that left the blond boy's mouth before he took Shikamaru into a bearhug of his own.
All three Nara's where shocked to say the least, the boy hardly spoke because he was so timid and here he was hugging the living day lights out of Shikamaru. After a few seconds the blonde realized what he was doing, so he let go and apologized for his little outburst, he seemed to be crying silent tears. "Why are you crying Naruto?" Asked Shikamei. The child rubbed the tears out of his eyes and looked up to the other people. "Because it feels funny. You guys are they first ones to care..." He said with a sad smile on his face. Shikamaru's face hardened, 'So that foolish Hokage of ours never cared about Naruto? The nerve of that guy!' The brunette boy thought. He sighed and looked Naruto in the eyes, "Naruto, you are never going back to that house ever again, okay?" He said. His little blond friend looked surprised, it was something that he wasn't expecting. "O-okay, Shikamaru" He said with a smile, a real smile.
"Sorry to break the moment, but I would love to try some of Naruto's food. It smells delicious!" Said Shikaku, who was walking over to the family table. Shikamei just chuckled and shook her head. "Come on boys, breakfast!" She said as she waved them over. "Okay mom" and "Okay Shikamei" were heard from behind her.
So after that, the boys went to the academy and tried to stay awake all the way through Iruka's boring history lesson; and I mean they tried but the poor boys fell asleep, again. Iruka was very upset at them and started to ask them every hard questions, which they both answered perfectly, much to their teachers disappointment.
Throughout the weeks, Naruto became happier living in the Nara Compound with his friends. He still avoided the villagers at all costs, as he wasn't going to risk getting hunted again. But the few weeks living happily at the Nara Compound were going to be short lived as the little blonds birthday was just around the corner.

( End of chapter )

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