Chapter 4 - Meeting The Others

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Light flooded into my room. I couldn't feel Blue near me. I sit up and yawn. I hear leaking and look around. It was the same blank room from before the mouse had come. I look over at the doll. I stare at it's button eyes. I get out of bed and run downstairs to the small door. I hear more running. Blue slid along the floor in his knees. "You had it too?" Blue asked. I nodded. "Did we have the same dream?" I asked him. Blue shrugged. I hear a whistling sound from the kitchen. "Let's go." Blue said glumly. I poured cereal into the bowl. "Buttons for eyes, huh?" Papyrus asked pouring a glass of orange juice into my cup. "Thanks!" I shouted sitting down. "You sure you both didn't dream eating all that food?" Papyrus asked. "No! It was real!" I shouted banging on the table. Blue laughed nodding. "How about you two go meet the men downstairs." Papyrus said. "You mean Mettaton and Nabstabot! You said they were weird." Blue complained. Papyrus gave is a glare before heading into the next room.

I had on my green raincoat, gray pants, and green rain boots. Blue had a similar outfit, just with his blue scarf added. Blue opened the door and stepped out seeming to kick something. "Oops." Blue said picking the packages up. He started shuffling them. "Ms. Muffet, Ms. Muffet, Ms. Muffet." He kept repeating. I smelled a horrid stench. "What's that smell?" I asked covering my nose. Blue started sniffing, he sniffed the packages. "That's disgusting! It's from the packages for Ms. Muffet." Blue said in a disgusted tone. "Where does Ms. Muffet live?" I asked looking around then see a sign that was pointing to the upwards staircase. "There it is." I pointed to the sign. "Let's go." Blue said holding the packages away from his face. We both headed up the stairs. Blue stopped almsot making me bump into him. He went again. We walked to the door. Blue knocked on Ms. Muffet's door. "Hello!? We have your packages!" Blue shouted. "I think our mail got mixed up." I added. "Should we leave it outside o-" When Blue placed his head and hand on the door it slammed open. Blue screamed. I caught all of them.  Blue opened the door more. We both took a peek. I screamed as I felt a hand cross my skull. The hand closed the door. "Secret." The female said. Me and Blue turned around. "Famous spider circus, not ready yet. Little children." Muffet said. "We brought this for you." I held out the gross mail. Muffet grabbed all of it. Muffet sniffed it. I hold into Blue's arm. "Mhm." "What?" Blue asked. "The sample of bugs. A sneaky way to sneak it from my Spiders." Muffet whispered to us. Muffet went onto the railing and started working out. "Oh, um. Sorry, I'm Blue, this is my younger brother/sister Y/N." Blue introduced us. "Amazing, you two. Call me Ms. M. I already know I'm amazing." Muffet jumped off the railing. "Oh no!" I yelled. "Oh my!" Blue yelled after. We looked over the railing. "Where did she go?" I asked. I heard creaking from behind. "Hah! You Blue and Y/N. The circus will be out if the spiders can just make different tones." Ms. M said, "Here have turnip, it make you string. Todles, children." Ms. M shut the door behind her. Blue held the turnip in his hand and threw it.

I jumped off the platform. Blue held the sccisors to himself. "Hey!" I looked up to see Ms. M. "Y/N and Blue!" Ms. M jumped off. I screamed. Blue held the sccisors up. I cover my head. Ms. M moved. "The jumping mice wanted me to give you both a message. You know anything about a small door?" Ms. M whispered. "No." Blue said. "So sorry. Sometimes those mice are mixed up." Ms. M climbed onto the railing. "They even get Bith your names wring, they call you Blew and L/N. Maybe they need sometime off." Ms. M explained. I looked at Blue who shrugged it off.

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