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Chen Zheng and Jian'er, who were in their own world, came back to reality.

"I'm sorry." Chen Zheng said embarrassedly.

"Why are you sorry?" asked Jian'er as she blinked her eyes.

After realizing that Jian'er was still a little child, so she didn't knew some taboos between them. Off course it has to be expected. Even though Chen Zheng didn't have his past memories but, he still had some vague instincts from his past life.

"It's nothing." He sighed.

Hearing this Jian'er was more confused than even before.

"All the students from elementary class 1, come to your classroom." Someone announced.

"It looks like it's time for us to go class room."

"You are right."


After the announcement was made several other children of about 4 to 5 year old children appeared in the class room. Even though Chen Zheng didn't know who these people were. But he can deduce, that these all these people came from wealthy family just by looking at their clothing and arrogant expressions.

In the middle of several children, a young child with a decently build body was standing with arrogance. He was talking to other children like they were below him.

"Do you know who is standing in the middle?" Chen Zheng said to a child standing near him.

After hearing this, 2- 3 children from his surrounding turned their gazes towards him.

They were looking at him peculiar gazes. One of them said, "Don't you know him? He is younger brother of one of the cultivators in the special division of cultivators." While saying this he was also looking at Chen Zheng's attire. "Do you even know who a cultivator is? They are the powerful people who can create flame out of nowhere. They can grow plants without water and soil. They can fly and do much more things. They have the absolute power and control of this world. Someone like you are not even worthy to be even dust of his clothes." After seeing the normal looking attire of Chen Zheng, this child started looking down on Chen Zheng.

The reason that Chen Zheng was wearing normal looking attire was not his fault at all. He thought that his royal robes will be dirty if he wore them here and the only clothes left for him were these, yellowish shirt. Even though this shirt was made up of materials, by which the royal robes were made , they looked very simple. And the reason, why his closets only had these two types of clothes was also simple. It was due to his non-understanding of any type of social behaviour other than friendship and deep feeling he had for Jian'er. He was not aware that one's clothes provide them with a standing in a society.[Only in case of mortals] J

"How dare you talk to him like that?" Jian'er shouted at the bad mouthed child.

Seeing JianEr's clothing, the surrounding children understood that this girl was not ordinary. "Sorry miss, I didn't knew he was your servant." The expressions on the face of bad mouthed Child were very funny. Even though, sometimes he would disdain someone , he was not brave enough to go against a girl whose family was even richer than his.

Hearing himself being called servant, Chen Zheng was now at a loss. He was not angry at all, because he knew if this child in front of him knew he was from Chen Royal family he will fall on the floor unconscious. If he, the one and only descendent from the direct line of the Chen Royal Family was a servant then all the people in Chen Royal Kingdom will be existences lower than even a servant's, i.e. lowly ants. And Jian'er who was currently angry to the point of being exploded due to anger shouted, "Who do you think you are to talk him like this? I will complain to the teacher about you."

'What did I say wrong? Isn't this lowly boy is a servant. How lucky is this bastard to be able to have good relations with such a good young lady.' The bad-mouthed guy thought.

"What's your name?" asked Jian'er impatiently.

Seeing that this lady was so much angry, he knew if he gave her his name she would really go to teacher and complain about him.

"My name is Chang Bo. I'm sorry miss, please don't complain to teacher about Me.", said Chang Bo (the bad mouthed guy) as his eyes almost started raining tears.

Seeing the pitiful look of Chang Bo, Chen Zheng felt pity him.

"Jian'er let this matter go." Chen Zheng said.

"How can I let it go, he was insulting you."

"This is just a minor matter, some people do only have tongues and no guts." said Chen Zheng, as he gave a sarcastic remark for Cheng Bo.

Seeing the gentle look of her dearest friend, Jinker's anger melted a bit. "Because Zheng little brother said I'm letting this matter go. But next time there will be no compromise."

Cheng Bo was now slightly relaxed. But he and others surrounding him were all confused what sort of relations this young boy would have with this young lady, who was supposed to be even richer than their own families.

As they all were thinking, a middle aged man with heavy footsteps came inside room and looked at all the students present.

After the coming of this teacher all children came to silence and turned their gazes towards this man.

When the people saw this person they had unconsciously thought of round things. Because, this person was really fat and many children present came to a tacit understanding. Their definitions of fat people in their minds was really too narrow. They had never imagined that a person can grow fat to this unfathomable level.

"Good morning students. Please take your seats." The middle aged man said. All students started sitting in their seats. Even though they hadn't seen this person, they could guess that he would be their teacher.

"I'm Wu Xiang and I will be your home room teacher for an entire year. I hope you will all work hard with me to learn well."

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