joya 3

11 0 1

it wusd a partyyy and boy a wus like mmm yea imma be a sluttt and sucked off like 50 guys under the misstletoe. he was high cause man it wusd christmas and i'll be damned if ho deosn't get high. he stummmble to bed cause he tired from fuckin so muny peeeepoooooo. after not long later, the house was hush hush caus people ether od-ed, left, oir passed out. no one was bein nice and quiet jus caus they nice, no, that not the world, no no no. but boya remembers that hes secret santuh and hadnt gottn presnt 4 peeeepooooooo, so he get out of bed. he went to timmy's room with some sevens and drank with some randumb dood named kevin who was watching timmeh sleep and boyuh went 'mm yes this is acceptable and not weird at all'. then he remembered that he ws secret santa with zach 2 so he went to zach's room and cause zach was only 11 and was addicted to alcohole boya gave him an 18 pack cause he's nice like that. but zach was rude and didnt give his secret sant kookies so boya took the beer back and sent his ol prison roomate two fuck him in da ass. tAKE THAT, ZACH! boya then took a swug of his alochohol in his flask but it wasnt alchohol it was eggnog. he procceededededed to myspace mrs. claus but then ditched her cause myspace is a peice of shit. then boyus went to the hall and started to deck it with puke caude he dont' like eggnog. then he hears bells and he run over an issa santa''~! boya looked at his phone and santaa had called like 69n times and he ran over to santah and asked "whut de heeel is goin on" and saanta said "i need, like, over 9,000 times more help then i already have so you're comin wid meh." "why," boya asked as he crossededed his armers. "cause afterwards you can fuck my waifu," santua tol him. "fUCK YEA" boya scremed, and jumpedededed into santuah;s fuckin slay, queen. they went riding throuuu the aero, but soemthing was off about sanata. he was suuper quiet, thenb he goes "gimme road head pls" then kISSED LA BOYAH!!!!!! boya pullledede back and say "wtf" and yanked on sanata's beard an dthrew off his clothes and it was aLL FAKE. sanyta pouteded like dissapOINT. "wHO ARE YOu?" boya screched. "m name josh,": sanaysa said. boya did the frown and grabbed a bandana and strarted to choke thid "jos'. then boya started to fuck his maouth cause damN was he atRACTIVE. and that was the best chrysler boyuga hads ever had :) the end.

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