The Very Last Joya

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hey y’all ready for this

it’s been a while, bitches

ain’t not speeklcheck

my muse this time was bitches by hollywood undead

so have some jouya\

for old timews sake


josh wash dancibg like yeeeesssss bitchhhhhhhh, twerk that ass yiou fucking whiorwe.  he was listyenign to hu like always casue hes an emo shit but not real;ly hes a #fakefaN.   boya was watching like “ewwww what am i doing here” and the aurthor slapped him because “SHUSH ITS FOR OKLDTIME S “

anyways jorch was dancing to bitches and deuce was screaming like  a smol emo bean with emotional isues. god im so uncomforatble right now josh is a peice of shit and noONE LIKES HIM BELH.  but anyways the stpry. yeah soi boya was likwe “mmmmmmmmmm that aSs” nd did a slytherin through the window. the n boya sid a srtavb satb cause josh was big fat MENIE and the end we live happ ever after :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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