why this why evrything

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Cat/Tord's POV

Tom left a little bit ago and this left me Alone I kinda wish I was alone but that did not last long. Edd and Matt came in and Edd died in aww.
"Oh my gosh! It's so cute!" Edd picks me up "where did you come from little fellow?" Edd asks
I was only annoyed. Matt came over and petted me as Edd did the same. As much as I was annoyed it felt so god at the same time. I started to purr and this kinda startled me. Tom came in with some fish.
"Hey Edd, you like your new cat friend. I got some fish for it" tom said putting it down
"You know I think it deserves a name!" Matt said
"Ya, noe what will it be...hmm...," Edd thinks "OH! I GOT IT!," Edd yelled "how about, muffin!" Edd smiled
'what?! I'm not going to be called that!' Tord thinks. He hissed
"Edd, I don't think the cat likes the name," tom said "how about Missy"
"Ya! .... But it's a boy?" Edd looks at tom
"Then how about hmm...." Matt thinks
"Let's just call it, muffin" Edd said and thy nodded "ok"


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