Chapter 12

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Tyler's POV

I was an idiot for even believing that Ethan could love me for even a second! I was right to be cautious of Jaysen, I knew they were meant to be together not me and Ethan. I mean, why should someone like Ethan someone so perfect and handsome - be with someone as ugly and dumb as me. What am I more than a waist of space? A waist of air and time! I slit my wrist again, crying out in agony. It felt so good to feel the blade go through my skin, to punish myself for these idiotic thoughts of mine. Why don't you just die the dark voice in my head said Your a waist of space nobody cares for you . The voice was right nobody would care if I died right, nobody would give a shit if I was gone especially Ethan - all those things he said were probably lies, he never cared for me. If he doesn't care about me why should I? I slammed my fist against the bathroom wall in anger. Nobody loves me, nobody gives a fucking shit about me! So why should I give a shit about my health, about my life.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I remembered what I saw earlier. Ethan deserved better than me he deserved someone like Jaysen - hot, mentally strong and he can take care of Ethan unlike me. I love Ethan more than anything but I was dumb to think he could love me, that he could even want me. I slit my wrist again, more blood seeped out - my arms and wrists were in tatters. I was done with holding onto life, thinking that it would get better was useless - life would never be the same without Ethan, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him but if he didn't want that then well there was no use living, right? Nobody would take me in this state would they. I looked at myself in the mirror, my cheeks were stained with tears and my face was red and ugly. I looked down at my arms and wrists - tattered and broken, torn to shreds with the thoughts and feelings I had for this blue haired boy.

I looked over to the 'drink' I'd poured myself. I knew what I had to do...

Ethan's POV

What had I done? Why did this have to happen? What have I done to deserve this? Huh!? What!? I don't want him to go but at a time like this he won't listen to reason. I just want him to be hear, I want him to be here safe in my arms so I know he won't do anything. Would I make it worse if I tried to talk to him? I probably would - I mean I did this to him. I should of been more careful, I should of guessed something like this would of happened. All good things must come to an end, right? When it comes to me it's always true. The people I love and care always seem to leave me, or I end up fucking things up. I'm just a big fuck up! I always ruin things. I love Tyler and I want to explain to him but I know he won't listen - not in this state.

I want to explain that I love him more than life itself, that he's the reason for me being here. He's my life line as much as I am his. That he means the world to me and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I don't care what people think - screw the people who think we're abnormal. Because you know what I couldn't give two shits about what other people think, I love him and that's all that matters. I screamed, it was awful. The pain in my chest was immense, the thought of loosing him killed me. Fresh tears streamed down my face, I'd cried so much I threw up earlier and then again. The emotional pain was so servere it was to much to handle.

I knew he'd be in the bathroom slitting his wrists or something, but I just didn't know how to approach him. How to tell someone who I'd just mentally destroyed that I still loved them and what they saw wasn't anything. He'd think I was lying! He'd think I'd just said that so I could take 'advantage' of him again. That's probably what he was thinking that I was taking advantage of him and that all my feelings were fake. But they're not I've never loved anyone as much as I love him. I just wish he understood that. I want him to understand that. I want him to know I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

I looked over to my bedroom door. I knew what I had to do...

How to love someone who's breaking (Tythan) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now