Season 1 - Bellamy

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The next morning I woke up early. I didn't get much sleep last night because I was thinking if supernova was ok. I wonder what changed her...

When I went out of my tent, I saw her getting water so I went over and got some to; "Are you ok?" She replied sharply; "Yes." I was unsure what to say to her, I could tell that she wasn't normally like what she was last night; "Did you enjoy last night?" The absolute wrong thing to say but I had already said it. "It was fine." She replied. "Wanna team up to train today? Those Grounders are coming soon." I asked. "Sure, whatever." She replied again. It seems last night has given her the simplicity in answering. Maybe she was embarrassed?
When training started, supernova just did what she came to do. I thought she'd have some sarcy comments when I gave her some but she shoved them off and carried on.
When we were fighting, she got distracted for a split second and I cut her arm with a knife. She looked pissed; "What the fuck?" "I'm so sorry. Come let's get you to Clarke." I said to her in a hurry. "Stop! They need you to train them, I can walk." She said and then walked off into the dropship.

I felt so bad throughout the rest of training. What if I had hurt her more seriously? But I had to stop and continue training for another hour, at least.
An hour later, I saw supernova sat on a tree log near the dropship with a bandage on her arm. She looked sad but also disappointed, disappointed in herself?

I went over to her and sat next to her; "Hows your arm?" "Fine. Clarke did her best." She replied. "Good. I'm glad you're ok." I said back. Deep down I knew I cared but it's not my thing to care. I don't open up to people. "Glad? You did this." I heard her say. "Yeah, I didn't mean to hurt you." I said to her. "Ok." She said back. Something told me she didn't really care. Maybe she was still thinking about last night; "Are you ok? You aren't acting like yesterday." She replied; "Yesterday? Yesterday I was drunk and not myself!" She got up a walked into the dropship. At least now I know she wasn't herself. Maybe she is embarrassed?
A few days later, most of the camp was sat around the fire, some were training and Clarke with Raven in the dropship. I couldn't see supernova anywhere. I hadn't seen her a lot over these past days. I went to her tent. It's not possible to knock so I said it, hoping it would make her laugh. I went in; "Hey, Supernova." I got no reply straight away; "The grounders are due to attack today." "Ok?" She questioned back. "I need your help out there. In camp of course." I told her. "Ill be out in a minute." She replied. "Listen, I know somethings going on with you, I'm going to figure it out and help you." I said then left. I know she watched me as I left...

[DISCONTINUED] Secretly Saving Her | Bellamy Blake x readerWhere stories live. Discover now