Chapter 2

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Knowing the future is a frightening thing, especially when you don't know how your presence will affect it. The sun was shining brightly when I awoke on that fateful morning. I was the only one who knew that this was an end, I just wasn't one hundred percent sure whose end it would be. The whole "family" was in the kitchen making breakfast. Every time "father" used the knife I flinched, earning a questioning look from Abigail. With a tight smile I moved so that I was the closest person to the phone. After a few tense minutes the phone finally rang. I jumped quickly grabbing the phone from the stand, I was able to take a deep breath before I brought it up to my ear. I was able to hear his breathing on the other end but before he could say anything I spoke, "give me one moment Dr. Lecter, let me grab my father". I move quickly, not giving him a chance to respond I pass the phone to Garrett and leave the room as soon as it has passed from my hand. I don't have a chance to panic because before I know it "mother's" scream is cut off and she is stumbling past me to the entrance. Abigail didn't have the chance to scream and as he grabs my hair I hear the thud of her dead body hit the ground. It all happened so fast, I couldn't take my eyes off of her body. All I could do was watch the blood seep out of her body and coat the floor in a deep red. Standing in the kitchen with a knife against my throat I can barely hear the door open as Will enters the house with Hannibal slowly trailing behind. As Will passes the threshold of the kitchen I look at him with fear in my eyes but I am able to smile lightly as our eyes meet. With a quick slash and a sudden burn I collapse to the floor blood flowing freely from my neck. I focus on the gunshots and the thud of my "father's" body as he dies in the corner of the cabinets. In a matter of seconds Will is hovering over me, panic lighting up his eyes. Seeing his fear, knowing what journey this case starts him on, I smile up at him. I don't notice Hannibal enter the room, I don't see him take in the scene and I am unable to witness his head snap from Abigail to me as I breathe out, "it's ok Will" before everything for me went black.

The shock on Will's face is enough for Hannibal to know that he didn't tell me his name, which allows him to breathe easier knowing that the interesting daughter, the one who knew his name, was still alive. That would give him ample time and opportunity to get to know me and get me into his pocket. All of this goes through his head in seconds as he moves to help Will stop the bleeding and keep me alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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