Love does exist.

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Love doesn't exist
Is what everyone believes
It just blows away with the wind
Like the red and orange Autumn leaves
Kisses don't matter
Hugs are full of lies
Saying I love you leads to heartbreak
And weeks of lonely crying
But none of that is true
This is my message to all of you,
Love does exist
I've seen it once before
It's when two people meet
And combine both of their souls
Love does not just lead to heart break
Nor crying for weeks on end
It's when you meet that special someone
That turns out to be more than a friend
Love is filled with happiness, with lots of laughter and joy
It could be with both man or woman, girl, or boy
Love is beautiful, love is patient
Love is love, no matter the people who fall into it.
Love is when you wake every morning
With a smile on your face
Because you know that someone is waiting
For you, all of you, every single place.
Love is amazing, like the ocean blue,
It can be so very deep, yet so shallow to you
It can be filled with beauty, or filthy creatures down below
You may have no clue about these things, but I am here to let you know
Love is awesome, it truly is
From when you first hold someone's hand,
To when you have your first kiss
And when you start to feel
These things that are so nice
Remember what I told you, and discover these great things in your life.

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