Chapter One: New Room

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"LET ME OUT OF HERE!" I was screaming very loudly, although I knew no one could hear me. I was locked in this prison-like cell, and I have no idea how I got there, though I knew I hadn't been in it for long. All I can really recall is a man-like creature locking me in here, then I passed out. Now I'm hungover, in a jail cell, in God knows where, and I'm completely alone.

I looked around, scanning my surroundings. It wasn't a half-bad cell, even for an unknown place. It had a nice bed, with a blue down comforter, which I had obviously slept in the night before, because it wasn't perfectly made. Adjacent to the bed was a cheap-looking dresser-cherry wood. On top were two pairs of black ski masks, which totally defeated the point of a ski mask because there were no eye-holes. I walked over to the masks, dumbfounded. Two sets of ski masks? There has to be someone else in this cell, why would they give me two? I continued looking about. I saw another room, which had to be the bathroom. I walked into it, and saw a man in there-puking his guts out. I let out a faint scream, I wasn't expecting to see anyone in there.

I began talking, well more like rambling on, quite loudly, "WHO THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BATHROOM?"

The very odd man began talking in between hurls.

"I'm the Doctor," he coughed in the middle of his sentence, "and you are?"

"I'm Ivory Santen. Pleasure to meet you," I stopped mid-sentence. "The Doctor? What kind of Doctor? Medicine?"

"No. Just The Doctor," the strange man replied, sternly.

"But... That's not a name, that's a title!"

"Like Ivory Santen perhaps?" he replied, straightening his bow tie.

I looked at his kind, young face, at a loss for words. He looked back. It was like he was staring into my soul, and judging it. But, he didn't seem to find anything to judge.

"Anyway, we have more important things to discuss. Like: how are we getting out of here?" he said, breaking away from his gaze.

I grabbed his arm, and pulled him out of the bathroom, so he was looking at the main space.

"I don't know. This room is quite weird, I was surveying it while you were umm... emptying your guts into the toilet. It's like a cheap hotel room, 'cept for the eerie ski masks over there." I pointed at the masks, still laying on the discount dresser.

"Very interesting. VERY interesting." he said, emphasizing the last very.

"And why is this very interesting?" I asked, looking at his light coffee-colored suit, and his red bow tie.

"Because, when we were first put in this room, they weren't there. Someone must have placed them there while we were sleeping."

"But, why would someone put those there? I mean, they aren't extraordinary objects."

"Or are they?" the Doctor said.

The Doctor pulled a very strange object out of his suit pocket- a very familiar object, but where had I seen it before? And I knew I had heard that name "The Doctor" before.

"Sonic screwdriver." He said, holding the object out for my hand.

"Is it a tool? I mean- who carries a screwdriver in their pocket?"

"A sonic screwdriver, mind you. And I do! It is a tool, it can do basically anything you want it to, except for wood-should have bought the upgrade when I had the chance."

"Why wood?" I asked.

"Because." He said firmly, bopping me in the head with the so called "sonic screwdriver."

"Anyway, back to work. Now what is this?"

He pressed a button on the screwdriver, and a green piece at the top lit up and made a whirring noise. He moved it up and down over all four of the masks. Occasionally nodding his head or making random comments. After he was done, he said

"Nothing out of the ordinary, though I am getting strange readings from the air around us. Almost radioactive, but we can still breathe it." The Doctor licked his finger, put it into the air, and licked it again. He coughed again. "Yep. Definitely not normal air."

I looked at him confused, but intrigued. This man was certainly out of the ordinary, but it was fascinating, almost like you felt safer with him than on your own. Although, he really did look quite stupid with his bow-tie.

"Whatcha wearin that for?" I asked, pointing at the tie.

"What is it...? Oh! Bow ties are cool!" he said back, excitedly.

I rolled my eyes, "You keep thinking that."

"Now for this lock." He said, ignoring my sarcastic comment and eye roll. He used his sonic screwdriver again, and I was quite surprised when he unlocked the door, saying:"Piece of cake!"

I went and grabbed the silver door handle. The door opened.

"Brilliant!" the Doctor said, relieved, "let's go!"

"Wait! We should grab these!" I yelled to him as he was leaving.

"Oh yeah-right" he stopped in his tracks, half-way out of the door.

I grabbed the two sets of masks, and my backpack, which I had almost forgotten.

"Okay! I'm ready!" I said looking to my left, which was where he was standing.

"Geronimo!" He said back, excitedly.

The Pair of Masks-An Undiscovered Doctor Who AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now