four: a letter to my mom

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dear mom,

there is so much i want to say to you. i want to tell you that i love you, that you're my hero and that i miss you immensely. life isn't the same without you by my side. i wish you were here with me but you're happier and healthier now, and that's what i really want for you.

i also want to say i'm sorry. i can imagine that you're disappointed in me and some of the choices i've made over the last 17 years, but especially the last 6 months. and you should be. they weren't good choices and i should've been smarter, yet i didn't care about being smart. i'm sorry. i told you that i was gonna try my hardest to make you proud, and i did just the opposite. i hope you'll forgive me. 

and i think last, but definitely not least, i want to tell you thank you. you are the true definition of supermom. God definitely blessed me with the best and i'm forever grateful for you and all you did for me. 


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