Chapter 1: Coffee Cat

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"He didn't have to leave for another 15 minutes or so, but freakin Vanessa just HAD to drag him away."
"But he looked back at me...😍"
"And of course Vanessa pulled him further away!!"
"Before he left, he motioned to me to call him. *sigh*"
"Do you think I should call him now?"
"Well maybe it's a little too earl-"
"My damn coffee, just give me my coffee."
"Oh sorry," Desi then placed the steamy cup of coffee next to my laptop. I sighed and picked up the drink and slowly started to drink it. "Hey Gracie, did you hear about that party Natalie is hosting?"  I set down the cup and nodded towards her. "Yeah I did, I'm pretty sure she texted me about a week ago about it. Didn't she say it's going to be at her house? If so, isn't that like a 30 minute drive from where we live, 45 if traffic wants to be a jerk." Desi was already cleaning a table right behind me and responded,"Yeah, but be lucky. The house she bought is actually closer to where we live, unlike her parents' house, I think they moved."
I hummed in response and went back to my task at hand on my computer.
After a couple of minutes, I saw Desi smiling for some reason. She went to pick up her water bucket and moved over to a nearby table. Until a little kid ran into her and spilled all of the water, on her. Her smile instantly wiped off as she studied her now wet clothes. She looked back at the kid and puts on a supposedly forced smile. The kid smiles back and runs out of the cafe. She picked up the bucket and slouches a little while walking back to probably the break room. I was giggling a bit, until she turned and stared daggers at me. I heard her grumbling a bit, something along the lines of, "I hate children." I chuckled softly and yelled, "HEY BE LUCKY NO OTHER CUSTOMERS ARE HERE AND THAT HE ISN'T HERE!!"
How times have changed, and not.
I finished my drink and my work a little later and then started to pack up my computer and chargers back into my mini backpack. I hopped off the stool and started for the door, until, "Hey wait!"
I turned sharply behind me to see Desi run out of a corner and tell me, "Hey can you pick me up later? I don't have my car with me."
"Wait why?"
"Because my mom took it and dropped me off here before she took it to get it inspected."
"Oh okay, just call me when you're done. See ya!"
And with that I left. I was walking back to my car, when I accidentally ran into someone. We both fell to the ground opposite of each other. I quickly picked myself up and dusted off myself in the process. I was going to apologize when I studied them a little longer. He had very curly, dark hair and was covering it with a dark blue beanie. He also wore a blue sweatshirt and blue basketball shorts. However the blue sweatshirt was not only blue, but it was a freaking tardis. The jacket looked like its been through a lot. I instantly recognized him as Gabe, a friend of mine back from middle school, or a just totally random stranger that apparently models after him. "Oh my god I'm really sorry for tha-" He started. He looked up and widened his eyes, and  instantly yelped and jumped like two feet in the air. He ran in the direction I came from and pushed by me in the process. He was running faster than I remembered. I then slowly started to continue my walk back to my car.
What the hell? I know we haven't seen each other in years and all, but still. He's not that exaggerated when it comes to reactions. And not only that, why is he wearing a beanie and a thick jacket in the beginning of August?
"Psshh. Weirdo."

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