Sick Days

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Do y'all want an update or nah? Lmao, but this is just a quick update because I'm sick right now and can't do anything so why not write? As usulal this chapter hasn't been edited

Chanel's POV

It had been a full week since Valentine's Day. So it's been full of none stop work and jokes. At first they were just trying to be funny but now they are actually trying to figure out who I was dreaming about. I mean damn, I don't think that it's that damn serious ya know? They act like they've never had one. But ya know I had to put a stop to that shit.

Today Mama Joyce is coming to pick up Kimora considering I'm sick and what not. So yesterday I took her out to Pizza Hut and then to the movies. We had fun; we saw that movie Nut Job, which was a good movie. I was planning on going back to the movies today to see that Kevin Hart movie About Last Night. (A/N: I saw it last night its really good so if you haven't seen it yet I suggest that you do.)

Sadly my plans have been ruined because I'm now sick and because I don't want Kimora to be sick she has to go with Mama Joyce. So I was packing her bag and waiting for Mama Joyce to get here. When I had got finished packing her bag, I woke her up. Kimora being Kimora didn't want to get her ass out of the bed.

"Mama let me sleep, I tired and it's toooooooooooooo early. Ain't nobody got time fo dat." Kimora mumbled while rolling off of her stomach onto her side so her back was to me and curling into a ball.

I swear sometimes she be acting like she's the damn parent. My baby is developing a smart ass mouth, and she is speaking her mind more now. Not only does she have Dria as an influence but she has the guys as well. They got my baby thinking that because she cute she can say and do whateva she wants so I have to set her straight once and a while.

"Look Kimora, imma count to five and yo ass better be out this damn bed and in the bathroom. I'm sick and I don't feel like playing with you this morning and Mama Joyce is on the way." I snapped at her while putting my hands on my hips and taking deep breaths.

"Tell ha to come back latter" Kimora says shifting around in her bed getting more conferrable.

"One" I began counting.

Kimora didn't move out of her place.

"Two." I counted raising my voice a little louder.

Kimora rolled over on her other side so she was now facing me, and folded herself into the blanket more. I think she thinks that I'm playing with her. I thought to myself.

"Three." Kimora made a little peep hole, and stuck her head out of the hole to look at me. I guess whatevea look I had on my face was enough for her to know that I wasn't playing with her ass.

"Fou-" before I could get the R out she had jumped out of the bed and sprinted to the bathroom. Kimora was running fast as hell. I could literally see her little feet coming up and hitting the back of her ass.

From that point on it was smooth sailing getting her ready to go. Before I knew it Mama Joyce was here and Kimora was more than happy to go, I on the other hand didn't want her to leave me.

"Let that child go, honey you can't shelter that lil girl from the world. Let her go and have fun, she is a kid let her do kid shit." Mama Joyce preached to me.

I nodded and walked them to the car making sure that Kimora was buckled in good. Mama Joyce pulled me to off to the side. "I got her, you just take yourself in the house and worry about you."

Nodding I started walking back to the house before Mama Joyce called me again. Looking over my shoulder I was her smiling at me. We held eye contact for a few seconds.

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