The big win; Jacobs POV

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I stared out my bedroom window, wistfully thinking about Emma in the next room with Bronwyn. How I wished I could turn over in my bed just once to fins myself face-to-face with her gorgeous, soft, wavey blond hair. Thinking of Emma made my heart ache, but in an extremely good way. Emma. I repeated her luxurious name inside my head as though it were an addictive ale. Emma, I love you. My heart spun round and round like a carousel as I thought of this sentence. Any time anything Emma came up, my whole body tingled a d jingled like a Christmas bell. Speaking of which...

I glanced up at my calendar to find that we had already entered September. I dearly hoped the peculiars would stay for Christmas (Hugh looked like he needed some joy in his life after Fiona went). They had never seen a proper Christmas before, either because they were in a loop or their parents abused them so much that Christmas wasn't an option any more. I thought about how lonely and hurt the others had been, i thought of the fear and tears shared the others had been through. I used to think my life was bad. But Ricky did sort of nearly push me off the building that one time, but we're mates... Or are we? We haven't seen eh other in weeks! If he saw Emma, he would either crush hard on her, or make jokes that I finally have a girlfriend. And it'd most likely be the first option. In fact, if he saw any of my new friends, this would be his reaction:
Emma= crush/jokes
Bronwyn= crush
Enoch= instant mates
Hugh= jokes
Millard= scared to death of floating clothes
Horace= jokes
Olive= jokes
Claire= jokes.
I would feel bad for them, but since Ricky had never met them, j needed not fear of his reactions, which would mostly turn from jokes into bullying.

"Jacob! Hugh! Enoch!" Millard called. I jumped out of bed and pushed Enoch out of the camp bed alongside my own. "Jacob! What you'd that for?" Enoch grumbled as we made our way out the bedroom. When we reached the stairs, Enoch continued downwards, whereas I went into Hugh's room to find him curled up in a to ball on the bed against the wall, bees buzzing over his head.

"Hugh?" Hugh looked up at me with a tearstained face. "What do you want?" He huffed, looking away. "Maybe I just wanted to check on my mate, that's all." I answered. Hugh glared at me. "Is breakfast, isn't it. I'll be down in a sec, I guess." Hugh whispered. He was starting to sound like Fiona, quiet, alone and sometimes crying. I nodded and wondered off downstairs.

But something was different. Something was new. Some one was new. I saw a girl I recognised from my maths class, Amy Lewis, on my sofa. My face dropped and I tried to run back upstairs, but she grabbed my collar and threw me onto the sofa. "Jacob?" She whispered. I stared at her, willing her to go. I desperately did not want the peculiars meeting her.

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