Is that my Hugh?; Fionas POV

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I woke up to the ringing of the doorbell. "Fiona! Cleo! Jayde! Get all ya butts down 'ere!" Shouted Lilianna, the ugly fat sod with took me after a long time of bribery. Cleo and Jayde were twins and were very unlucky for Lilianna to be their mother. I walked as slowly as possible; turns out, Jayde and Cleo did too. "Hey, Fi, come here." Jayde hissed under her voice from the top of the staircase. I quickly ran over as quietly as possible to the two girls. "Do you know what mum wants?" Cleo whisper-asked. "A good beating with a stick?" I joked. Cleo looked scared. Jayde shot me a dirty look and covered Cleo's ears. "You know she doesn't like that!" She hissed. I nodded and patted Cleo's hair down. "Sorry Clo-clo." I whispered. I was about to say something else, but then Lilianna called us again. "Jayde! Cleo! Fiona! I know you heard me cause I can hear me! Get here NOW!" We immediately obliged and rushed down stairs, tumbling on top of each other. " other scares me so." Cleo said, her posh accent taking over. Thirteen year old Cleo was very posh, her clothes chose, her voice, her things, her musically interest, everything.

"Finally! I had to keep these cute girls waiting! Look at these cuties!" Lilianna bent down a tapped one continuously on the head - she was starting to get annoyed. "Do shout at the costumer, Becky. Try to hold it in." Becky was starting to get very annoyed now. "We won't buy, goodbye!" I said and thew the door shut in their cute faces. "Fiona! Your grounded!" Lilianna shouted. "You've grounded me three times already and I've only been here a week!" I laughed at her stupidity. Lilianna began to hiss swear words under her breathe as me and the other two girls went back upstairs to get read for school.

"Jayde likes Flynn and won't admit it!" Cleo giggled as we entered the school gates. "No I don't! Your one to talk, anyway. You like Toby, so ha!" Jayde retorted. I rolled my eyes and scanned the yard for a strongly dressed invisible boy. "There he is!" I shouted, pointing to a group of children huddled in a corner. "Oh, so you have a crush too?" Asked Cleo hopefully, getting board of simply just teasing Jayde. I grabbed her arm and pushes her and Jayde away as I walked up to the group.

"Hi guys." I said cheerfully. "Hey, Fiona." Answered Jacob, Emma, Bronwyn and Millard. I smiled and held my hand out to a boy I strangely recognised wearing dungerease (Soz I don't know how to spell it!) and said:"I'm Fiona." "I never would have guessed," he said sarcastically. I stared at another boy who I knew almost immediately. "Hugh?" I said. He glanced at me, not having noticed what I said before. "Did you say my name?" He asked. "Err... No. I said: who. As in, who are you?" I was totally embarrassing myself, but I did care. It was my Hugh! But, he didn't know me. "In Hugh," he said, holding his hand out. I took it and suddenly something I had not imagined happened: he pulled me so my ear was by his mouth. He whispered into it, saying:"I know its you, Fi. I've missed you so." Then he hugged me. I hugged him back, tears streaming down me face. Then everyone got in for a group hug. "We've missed you, Fiona." Bronwyn whispered to me. "We love you, Fiona." Olive said, hugging my legs. Claire held my hands as I let to of Hugh. "You know what, no school today! Let's go home and celebrate!" Ordered Jacob. "But Lilianna has me here, not Miss Peregrine like you guys." I said. They all stared at Mr questioningly. "Millard told me." I blushed. "Ohh." The others said.

I quickly rung Lilianna and told her that o had met my people. When k first went there, when I met my people, the peculiars, I wasn't under her rules anymore and didn't belong to her, so I wouldn't be going back there tonight. Then Jacob lead the way back to his house, where Miss Peregrine stood at the door. "Miss Peregrine, we've found Fiona Frauenfeld!" Said Jacob excitedly. I smiled broadly as the bird pulled me in for a hug. "We've all missed you, Miss Frauenfeld." She whispered to me.

I pulled out the hug, getting quite embarrassed, and followed the others inside. "So, Emma and Bronwyns room is up the stairs, first door on your left, Horses first on your right, Millard and Hugh's next to Emma's and mine and Enoch's up on the second floor. Miss Peregrines is up on the third floor beside my mom and dads. And, finally, Claire and Olives is next to Miss Peregrines on the left." Jacob explained. I nodded and quickly followed Emma upstairs.

"Your room is nice." I said, despite the fact it was basically an empty bedroom with a bunk bed inside. Emma smiled. "You do have to pretend, Fiona. You've developed and we want to see it." I blushed. "Thanks, em. So, what have you been up to? At Jacobs house, I mean. Millard told me all about that stupid Caul guy and all else you've been through. I mean, the good parts." Emma giggled. "Well, each night we watch a movie, Jake to us to all of these amazing 2017 places and thin and we went to school!" I laughed. For some odd reason, Emma seemed to actually like the idea of going to school. Why? I seriously have no idea!

Jacobs friend Ricky drove me, him, and Emma back to Lilianna's place so that I could pick up my bags. "Good riddance, you mangy little rat. Look what a bad influence you've been on my once wonderful girls!" Lilianna stated as Ricky out my bags in his car. Emma looked at me with a questioning look, whilst Jacobs held worry. "I didn't do a thing to those girls. You did. I just helped them see it, and you for what you are. And what you are is a big ugly brute and hasn't the tiniest jot how to look after children. Good bye, Lilzies." I turned away and got into the back of the car with Emma. I knew k was in for questions, so I began making up answers in my head.

"She was horrible! What's her deal?" Emma stated as Ricky pulled away from the kerb. "She's got... issues." I lied. If only she knew what horrible things Lilianna put Jayde and Chloe through. "Well, why was she so mean?" Asked Jacob. "Lack of sleep, she gets grumpy. She forgot to take her pills, the stupid old hag." "Why were you blaming her, then?" Ricky questioned. "I got me some anger issues."

More questions were displayed, but I mostly gave them the same answer repeatedly. Finally, we reached Jacobs house again and Ricky drove off. Emma patted my shoulder. "Shush, Fiona. No need to spread." I looked at her, confused as I hadn't said anything more recently. And what she meant by no need to spread, well I had no idea! "Hey, guys! Your back!" Exclaimed Hugh excitedly, opening the door. Emma smiled at him and squeezed past, dragging Jacob by the hand behind her. I stood there shyly, blushing. But Hugh didn't wait for me to do anything and pulled me into a hug. "I missed you, Fi. So much, so please, for all of our sakes, don't volunteer for anything ever again!" I knew this was in a jokey way, but I still took it onboard. Hugh pulled back after a while, took my hand and kissed it with a big smirk on his face. I laughed. "Oh, Hugh! Still as silly as ever!" I joked. Hugh laughed and pulled me into a tango lean backwards. "Hugh!" I yelled, trying to contain my laughter. Then he leaned forwards and kissed my lips. I took my a little while to kiss back as I had grown so used to not doing over that for the past three years.

"Eww!" We stopped and Hugh put me up right as we turned to see Olive and Claire, arms linked, tongues out, and giggling. I put my hands on my hips. "Alright, you shouldn't have done that." I said smiling. Claire giggled some more and Olive hugged my legs. "Sorry, Fifi. Can I get a hug up high as an apology?" Asked Olive cheekily. "Oi! I'm the one that wants an apology!" I laughed. I did what she asked anyway, even if her lead shoes were extra heavy. Claire ran up to Hugh and he did the same. "Now, how did I end up with Lead Boots?" I joked. Olive giggled and began to kick them off. On she did that, she began to float up. I clung tightly and quickly went inside the house, to decrease chances of Olive floating away to the clouds.

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